Members of the ASUO know this year’s student election is coming, but no one is completely sure when it will happen.
Former student senator Shantell Rice became elections coordinator after the Student Senate approved her appointment Wednesday night. She’s taking over an election system that is already behind schedule, compared to last year.
The crucial dates for the election couldn’t be set until the coordinator was hired, which didn’t happen fall term. ASUO President Jay Breslow appointed a coordinator about a month into fall term, but the person resigned before the senate could confirm the appointment. Breslow said the issue then got lost when the national election season began.
Rice’s appointment is the only progress that Breslow and Vice President Holly Magner have made toward the election. Deadlines for when candidates must file, ballot measures must be complete and the primary and general elections will be held are still in limbo.
But not only is there no timeline, there is no elections board. The four-person group is appointed by the coordinator and must be approved by the senate. Board members will assist in election preparations and help Rice with the crucial job of interpreting ASUO election rules.
“Hopefully [we can get] some experienced people for the short timeline,” Breslow said. He added that Rice’s previous government experience on the senate and the Programs Finance Committee will help with the current time crunch.
“She’s proved herself as fair but a stickler for the rules,” Breslow said.
At this time last year, the board had already established a timeline. ASUO President Wylie Chen and Vice President Mitra Anoushiravani were helping student groups draft ballot measures, as well as writing their own.
Measures must be read and approved by the ASUO Constitution Court before they can go on the ballot. Many times, the court rejects a first draft and sends it back to the authors for revision. No ballot measures have been turned in to the court for review.
“I’m pretty nervous about that,” Chief Justice Robert Raschio said. “We’re sort of lying in wait.”
At the very latest, measures are due two weeks before the primary election, but Raschio said he didn’t think people would start working on them until a date is set.
“I’m hoping they’ll start rolling in next week,” Raschio said.
Breslow said he and Magner have not yet written any ballot measures, and they still need to talk about what they want to do.
“No one’s really come to us about the stuff they’re working on,” he said.
Breslow said he and Rice hope to have their timeline completed by early next week. Despite the late start, he said deadlines simply have to be met one way or another.
“We have to do it,” Breslow said. “We have to have the election pulled together.”
He added that he believes this year’s elections timeline can still resemble last year’s.
Among Rice’s responsibilities in the upcoming weeks will be trying to make sure that students turn out to vote. About 10 percent of students voted last year.
“We did a good job of letting people know it was elections time last year,” Breslow said.
Aside from the timeline and the deadlines, the method of the elections must also be solidified. Breslow said the ASUO still needs to get in touch with Duck Web representatives to ensure the elections are going to be held online.
Last year’s elections were conducted entirely through Duck Web.
Rice only spoke briefly about her new role in student government. She said she wants the job and is ready for the quick transition necessary to run this year’s election.