Pira Kelly makes some decidedly incendiary claims in her commentary (“Insurgent issue justified in attack on religion instead of individuals,” ODE, May 22), claims that echo those made only a few days ago in an Emerald letter to the editor by Opey Freedle. Kelly claims that the Oregon Commentator “singled out local individuals with threats of physical, verbal and sexual violence.” Freedle claimed that the magazine actually instigated death threats. These claims constitute demonstrably false defamations of the Commentator. The actions they allude to are illegal. Fortunately for everyone, they never took place.
Lampooning the holders of public office is a national pastime. See: George W. Bush. See also: William J. Clinton. On this campus, the Oregon Commentator has for several years played the role of
ridiculing our local luminaries and leaders. None of this has ever
constituted, or been intended as, a threat – nor have there ever been any documented threats or actions of violence arising from anything we have printed.
We understand fully well that there is sometimes a difference between what is actual and what is felt. Please note that upon learning of a certain student senator’s reaction to jokes printed in the Commentator well over a year ago, there has not been a single reference to said individual within our pages – aside from allowing that individual to write a self-explanatory commentary that we published with no editorial intrusion.
This is a settled issue; the Commentator absolutely did not, nor will it ever, issue or encourage threats of violence toward anyone. Kelly and Freedle insist on digging up a hatchet that does not exist. Their willfully misrepresentative claims are highly irresponsible.
Bryan Roberts
Publisher of the Oregon Commentator