Bill O’Reilly is right! President Frohnmayer should be fired. He is an anti-Christian bigot. The University should be concerned over his leadership.
The University’s wimpy response to the article in a newspaper at the University maligning our Savior Jesus Christ is pathetic. First of all, this newspaper (The Insurgent) resides on the campus, and the University provides the space and equipment for them to exist. Secondly, the financial office collects the mandatory $191 per student, part of which goes to support the newspaper. How convenient that the University would allow this discriminatory behavior and say that it is not responsible.
Of course it is responsible and should apologize. Demeaning someone’s god is paramount to “hate” statements, which are reminiscent of the Holocaust. This is how it started out in pre-World War II Germany.
Word of mouth is very influential, and the University will ultimately suffer financially for its support of anti-Christian bigotry. Parents don’t want to send their children to a school where there is no moral fiber and where it is okay to trash someone else’s god.
Ms. M. Compel
Hackettstown, NJ
Frohnmayer, UO foster anti-Christian bigotry
Daily Emerald
May 22, 2006
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