There will be no such thing as a high school reunion in upcoming years. They will be declared dead thanks to social networking Web sites such as and
As most University students know, these sites allow members to create a profile listing information such as favorite movies, music and books. They allow users to connect with each other by adding friends and posting messages to each other. MySpace is open to anyone with an e-mail address while Facebook is open to those with a University e-mail address.
Whenever my dad got an invitation in the mail to his high school reunions, he’d throw it in the trash almost immediately. When I asked him why he was so disinterested, he told me that only the first reunion is fun because graduates get to find out who is doing what.
MySpace and Facebook Web sites allow members to find this information instantly.
Wanna know who your ex is dating? (What the?! Rob is supposed to be my best friend!)
Wanna know what that guy who would never talk to you in high school is doing? (Ha ha, he works at a fast food joint!)
Wanna know if that babe in sociology class is single? (Doh! She’s got a boyfriend! No loss – she likes the “Notebook,” and she’s a Republican.)
No longer do we have to actually get to know someone or put any effort into friendships; just log onto MySpace or Facebook.
The sites are a microcosm of the Internet: They can waste hours on end and allow people to interact with one another. I’m not one to say whether the sites are a blessing that allow everyone to have a voice, or if they belong with the evils of the Internet next to pornography. But it’s obvious that the sites are changing our culture. Gone are the days where we wear “Best Friends” bracelets or send a friendly greeting card. We know we’ve got good friends if we’re “Top 8” or if we receive a “poke.”
MySpace now has more than 43 million users and is the third-most-viewed Web site on the Internet – that means more visitors than sites such as Google, eBay, AOL and Hotmail.
Both sites allow users to change privacy settings that control who gets to see a profile while Facebook allows only those at the same school or those listed on a user’s friends list to view the page.
Still, both Web sites should consider employing monitors. Neither site has to foot a bill for an editorial staff to provide any content – members provide all the entertainment through blogs and message postings. Web site administrators just have to update the site and let revenue roll in from advertisers. Surely social networking sites have plenty of dough to pay for monitors.
Forum sites such as, the Web site for The Oregonian, employ monitors who delete offensive postings. However, such monitors bring into question the definition of “offensive” and whether such monitors limit free speech. Countries such as Iran try to limit what their citizens see on the Internet through filters – a far cry from the loosely regulated Internet of the Western world.
With more incidents arising around so-called cyberbullying, it’s clear rules need to be created and enforced by schools and Web sites like MySpace.
In December, two North Eugene High School students posted threatening remarks and drawings that targeted a minority student, The Associated Press recently reported.
Does a school have the right to use such postings to support disciplinary action? NEHS officials weren’t sure whether they could discipline the students or not, but eventually decided to do so because the threat targeted one student. The incident prompted the Eugene School District to partner with Eugene Police and the Human Rights Commission to upgrade school policies.
With many people posting personal information – phone number, address, place of employment – users need to be careful about posting such information. As an Emerald article (“Facebook an open book,” Nov. 28) pointed out, Pennsylvania State University Police used Facebook to identify fans who rushed the field after an October football game against Ohio State University.
MySpace has not yet hit it off with adults, but what happens when parents catch on? I’ve logged onto MySpace only to be left surprised after finding pictures of not-so-angelic activities. Once the older generation catches on, teens will get a friend request from Bobby’s father, likely causing a drop in the appeal of such sights. It will be like wanting to tell a dirty joke to your friend, but your mom is in the room. The principal of NEHS, Peter Tromba, told AP, “As a parent, I was just really blown away by the absolute lack of any kind of filter or quality control.”
Other sites, such as, offer complete anonymity – users post under an anonymous name. The only way a posting is deleted is if it’s under the wrong category.
Internet users need to think twice before posting information, and social networking sites need to take responsibility to prevent cyberbullying incidents.
Until then, I’m off to find out whois doing what, and I’ve got some pictures to delete.
Facebook, MySpace need Web site monitors
Daily Emerald
February 8, 2006
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