The American Marketing Association will be hosting an informal networking event with about 15 companies tonight at 6 p.m. in the Lillis Atrium called “Just Market.”
“It’s arranged networking, I guess is what you’d call it,” said Kellen Knott, Vice President of Operations with the AMA.
A “Kentucky Derby” theme will break up the event with clips from horse races so people don’t feel awkward while talking to business professionals, Knott said.
The event will have food and is open to all business students. The dress is business casual, Knott said.
Knott said the event follows the University’s Career fair, which for some students can be more stressful because they are seeking actual jobs. He said half of the companies from the career fair will be there.
AMA Faculty Advisor Susan Golicic said “Just Market” is great opportunity for students to talk to companies in a much less formal atmosphere than at the Career Fair.
“They set it up to be able to start these conversations in a much easier manner, they kind of guide them through it, so to speak,” said Golicic.
AMA board member Jessica Brown said “Just Market” is a good way to network with different companies.
Some of the companies that will attend are E&J Gallo Winery; COUNTRY Insurance & Financial Services; United Rentals, Inc.; Enterprise Rent-A-Car; AXA Advisors; CampusPoint Corp.; TTI, Inc.; Willamette Dental; KONE, Inc.; Fred Meyer; and the University of Oregon Bookstore.