Kaela Chapdelaine, Guard, Junior
Oregon Daily Emerald: After living with Eleanor Haring and Gabrielle Richards last year, what kind of Aussie slang did you pick up?
Kaela Chapdelaine: I say ‘heaps’ every now and again – it means ‘a lot’. And I call the trunk of a car a ‘boot’. ‘Feral’ means ugly or gross. Like, ‘I look feral today,’ or, ‘My hair looks feral.’ They definitely say ‘eh’ now too. (Chapdelaine is Canadian)
ODE: What’s the best thing about being Canadian?
KC: I love the different cultures, the different religions, and different regions or communities really celebrate their differences. I think the West Coast is a lot like Canada. And I haven’t lived anywhere else so far. But you always hear about the melting pot in America, and I haven’t really noticed that since I’ve been here.
ODE: Most motivational thing anyone has ever said to you?
KC: My dad told me a story about two brothers that ran at the Olympics, and they used to tell each other, ‘Go to your destiny.’ And that’s my motto. You’re in control of your own destiny, you don’t need luck because you prepared for it.
ODE: Best player you’ve ever played against?
KC: I’d have to say the Russian point guard. I can’t really remember her name, but man she was pretty awesome. I played her in Spain over the summer with the Australian national team.
ODE: Best Christmas/Hannukah present you’ve ever received?
KC: I listed my most prized possession in the media guide as my necklace. It has a basketball charm on it, and a ring that my grandpa made on it, and it’s got a flower that my mom also wears on her necklace. I’m always wearing it, I never take it off except at games. Got it for Christmas my freshman year.
– Stefanie Loh