I just wanted to respond to the article “Faith’s place in the classroom” (ODE, June 9). Let me begin by saying that I have great respect for the scientific method as it is applied today. I do not believe it to be the sole, effective method to discover knowledge, but its uniformity allows quick and effective dissemination of information. I also support the spirit of Christianity as one of many spiritual paths to the Divine, though I myself am Wiccan.
The evolution versus creationism debate is one that has raged for a long time, but ultimately, I don’t think either side is really seeing the big picture. Science and religion are facets of humanity that seek to improve humanity overall, whether through satisfying our curiosity and curing our ills, or giving us strength of will and offering wisdom. They are methods through which we can better ourselves, and this debate between them is hindering the goals of both sides. Could not the god(s) create the mechanisms that drive our world, the processes behind, evolution? Would that not be a greater miracle that creationism alone? I would say so, because then you can truly say that each and everything, whether it be humanity or the sunset you watch on the beach, has been touched by the Divine.
That is, of course, a matter of opinion. But to this greater argument, this great duel: Why not offer an Origins Studies class? Every culture has a story of life and death, creation and destruction, whether it be Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Non-sectarian. There are endless roads to travel down and discuss, including the scientific one, and a class studying the origin theories of different cultures could offer great insight to our own culture, as well as a better understanding of both science and religion. And it helps the aims of both “factions,” which is ultimately the betterment of humanity. It would be an innovative solution to an old problem. Einstein could not have said it any better when he spoke, “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individuals towards freedom.”
Sam Hediger
Science and religion are two means to same end
Daily Emerald
July 26, 2006
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