Yippee for Sen. Nate Gulley, escaping the wrath of Con Court. Unfortunately, as his response to the conflict of interest charges indicates, the guy is still unworthy of his position. Besides accusing his fellow senators of being racists, he stated, “for the record,” that Oregon Commentator Editor-in-Chief “Ted Niedermeyer can kiss my ass.”
How very professional of you, Mr. Gulley. How very mature. You obviously forget that Niedermeyer is a fee-paying student who has a right to question your actions as an elected official. You still represent him.
Also unfortunate is the diminished credibility of the Constitution Court for reaching the decision it did. Gulley voted in favor of a $2,000 special request for a conference he was attending. His single vote was the tie-breaker that allowed Senate to once again embarrass itself by bilking students of their fees, fees now paying for a conference from which the average student will not benefit. Pat yourselves on the backs, University of Oregon students, you’re so generous with your money. As for the rest of the Senate, Kinsey, McKenzie, Hamilton: I hope you do the right thing at the ethics hearing. Conflict of interest and racism accusations aside, save yourselves future ridicule and kindly remove him.
Nick Wilbur
University alumnus and former campus and federal politics reporter at the Emerald
Gulley’s response shows why Senate should remove him
Daily Emerald
March 15, 2007
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