Jonathan Rosenberg and Avital Ostfield are the only candidates for ASUO Exec who offer real, tangible goals – not broad statements about tuition and change.
Jonathan and Avital want to save students hundreds of dollars each year by building an official campus textbook exchange. A textbook exchange will allow student to buy and sell textbooks for lower prices than the University bookstore. Other campuses around the country, including LCC and OSU, have a textbook exchange. So why don’t we?
Jonathan and Avital also want to expand campus health services by lowering the price of HPV vaccines and flu shots. I believe every student has a right to affordable healthcare, and I wish other candidates would focus on these kinds of issues more, instead of talking about insider problems.
Jonathan and Avital are also the only candidates who want to create an academic bill of rights for students, to ensure that students aren’t subjected to unfair grading practices and skyrocketing textbook prices. Jonathan and Avital want to provide students with the right to defend themselves against unfair academic penalties. I really believe that all students deserve a fair, inclusive education.
When spring term comes around, I urge you to vote for the only candidates who I trust for ASUO Exec – the only candidates with realistic goals for campus improvement: Vote for Jonathan and Avital for ASUO Exec and the Campus Improvement Movement.
Jonah Fruchter
University student