The evening before the start of the ASUO primary elections, two candidates found themselves facing sanction for violating election rules.
Sunday evening, the elections board ruled on a grievance filed against the Emily McLain and Chii-San SunOwen campaign for allegedly using the College Democrats list serve to send out a campaign e-mail, Elections Coordinator Dante Vivanco said.
The elections board ruled that as punishment for violating the rule, McLain and SunOwen, who are running for ASUO President and Vice President respectively, may not distribute any campaign material “including but not limited to campaign shirts, fliers, pencils, buttons, cups, and posters” between 12 a.m. Monday and 12 a.m. Tuesday.
“The use of the list serve by the Emily and San campaign has been able to reach a great number of students,” the ruling reads. “The Election Board understands that the idea of punishment for an Election Rule violation is to create reparations for the opposing candidates.”
The grievance alleged that the use of a listserv that other candidates can not access violates section 6.12 of the ASUO election rules. The rule states no candidate may use “any University facility or resource to which other electors do not have equal access.”
While the section in question does not specifically forbid the use of listservs, it does include office equipment on the list of things that are considered “University facilities and resources.”
McLain, who is a member of the College Democrats, said the e-mail in question originated as communication between the executive staff of the College Democrats and herself. While it was intended to be shared with members, there was never an intent for it to be sent over a University listserv, McLain said. She said she was unaware the group even had a University listserv until the e-mail went out.
The College Democrats have announced their endorsement for McLain’s ticket, and the e-mails with the group’s staff were in regards to that, McLain said.
“We are really excited to have the endorsement of the College Democrats and that’s where this originated,” she said.
In the e-mail, McLain introduces herself and asks readers to volunteer for the campaign.
“We have a great opportunity for you to gain this understanding and experience, have a say in this campaign and find out what grass roots organizing looks like at the UO,” the e-mail reads.
Mecum, who supports the candidacy of Sara Hamilton and Athan Papailiou, said he would have filed the grievance even if he were not actively supporting a rival campaign.
He said he just wants the elections board to make the right decision.
“Hopefully they just make a fair decision that’s fair for every candidate,” he said.
– Jobetta Hedelman
Grievance filed against ASUO candidates
Daily Emerald
April 8, 2007
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