This is a transitional period for the ASUO. Jared Axelrod and Juliana Guzman are leaving their executive position and Emily McLain and Chii-San SunOwen are moving in. Out with the old guard, in with the new.
As McLain and SunOwen start their new positions, they should focus on a number of key issues in order to circumvent the same problems that have arisen in this year’s student government. Inevitably, issues will arise, problems will occur – but stern, even-handed leadership can promote responsible governance within the ASUO.
First, McLain and SunOwen must instill a sense of professionalism in student government. This year’s Student Senate has devolved into a bickering rabble. Senators fight openly, weep at the drop of a hat, swear loudly and say worse things in hushed tones. Ideas are often misrepresented in order to publicly humiliate others in the ASUO.
This level of petulance is far too common. Student government is becoming a place of petty political moves, not intelligent or open discourse.
Further, McLain and SunOwen should increase the current level of institutional memory. Nothing hurts an organization more than when its members do not know or understand the importance of the past. Through institutional memory, an organization can veer away from problems already confronted in the past; an organization can learn from its mistakes, even if the mistakes happened a decade ago.
Although McLain is an experienced lobbyist, she must focus on campus issues. A skilled leader should attempt to unite the divergent groups on campus, which would inevitably engender positive and open governance.
Finally, like they said in their campaign rhetoric, McLain and SunOwen must focus their collective energy on accountability. Conflicts of interest must be stamped out, and an open dialogue with students outside of the ASUO bubble must take place. Some students feel as if the leaders within the ASUO have a sort of “bunker mentality,” whereby criticism is not accepted and every decision is a calculated political move. In order to rectify this image, they must now walk the talk of their campaign points.
New executive duo needs to establish respectability
Daily Emerald
April 23, 2007
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