“Smoking ban will improve state health.” Editorial
Abstract: Senate Bill 571, which would outlaw smoking in bars, recently passed. It will undoubtedly pass the Oregon House of Representatives. This is necessary, as it would benefit the employees of bars as well as non-smoking patrons.
“I was so shocked and dismayed when every single bar I visited in Portland last weekend allowed people to smoke inside! I am from Los Angeles and our great state of California enacted smoke-free workplace legislation almost 15 years ago! And we are blessed here in Eugene with our own city ordinance.”
Curtis Taylor
May 29, 2007
“There are smoke-free bars in Portland too, unlike what you think! You obviously didn’t try very hard to research and find where they were beforehand. (I’m sorry to hear you didn’t find any of PDX’s non-smoking bars during your trip there, but they DO EXIST.)”
May 29, 2007
“Abortion the troublemaker” by Matt Petryni
Abstract: Both Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani, the two frontrunners for the Republican nomination for president, have a history of flip-flopping on the issue of abortion. This illustrates that the abortion issue is worthy of debate, as formulating an opinion on the topic is complicated, changing often. And America, as a land of die-hard liberals in the traditional sense of Thomas Jefferson and Adam Smith, welcomes this robust debate.
“I must take exception to your definition of the term ‘liberal’ in the political sense. The Webster’s Dictionary definition of the word ‘liberal’ does not apply when using the word ‘liberal’ to describe ones political philosophy … as you know. Or should know.
“People often try and obfuscate the term by inserting the Webster’s definition when discussing political matters, just like you are doing in your column.
“The reality, as you know (or should know), is that a political liberal is one characterized by the left wing of the Democratic Party’s stance on major issues. i.e. pro choice, higher taxes, more bureacracy, extreme political correctness, etc.
“I am a conservative, which is why I despise our current President so much and the Democratic party leaders even more so.”
May 25, 2007
“Student Connects global warming to Pentagon.” Brent Bonfiglio
Abstract: Graduate student in peace studies Brian Bogart linked 25 companies to the Pentagon in the small town of Lowell, Ore., a town of less than 900 people.
“Absolutely brilliant! This is the kind of thinker that we need to shape our country’s future. I feel hope for our future when I see things like this, yet I feel despair in the knowledge that these changes can never be implemented because of our culture of Corporatism and Capitalism. Change needs to come from the top, and our wealthy ruling class will never allow it.”
May 25, 2007