Eva Golinger, a Venezuelan-American attorney will speak about the diplomatic relationship between the U.S. and Venezuelan governments today at 7 p.m. in 175 Knight Law Center.
Golinger, who is the author of “Bush vs. Chavez” and “The Chavez Code,” will focus on attempts by the Bush administration to destabilize Hugo Chavez’s presidency.
“I’ve uncovered literally thousands of U.S. declassified documents,” Golinger said. “From the coup attempt in 2002 to the present, I’ve used the Freedom of Information Act to get documents from the Pentagon, the C.I.A. and the U.S. government. The pattern is of an ongoing role in destabilization.”
Golinger was born and educated in the United States and spent the last four years living in Venezuela.
“She has uncovered more than … $50 million in financing to anti-Chávez groups and obtained top-secret documents from the CIA that demonstrate prior knowledge and complicity in the 2002 coup,” according to a press release from the Committee in Solidarity with the Central American People.
The Eugene-based CISCAP is a volunteer organization dedicated to increasing knowledge about human rights abuses in Central America, Mexico and Cuba, according to the group’s Web site. The group also seeks to “build grassroots opposition to U.S. military intervention.”
Copies of Golinger’s books will be on sale at the event and the author said she would be signing editions for audience members.
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