In a tragic story of Edie Sedgwick’s life unraveling into public shame, “Factory Girl” exposes the shallowness of Manhattan’s 1960s socialite scene. Directed by George Hickenlooper, the film revolves around The Factory, where artsy city-goers lounge while Andy Warhol (Guy Pearce) creates underground art films teeming with pornographic insinuations. The Factory is where stars, including Sedgwick (Sienna Miller) are born and broken.
Sedgwick, an heiress and socialite, narrates the film, recounting her wild, glamorous days in New York after college.
Current style-setter Miller dresses the part, wearing Sedgwick’s signature mod mini dresses, tights and over-sized earrings and assuming her untainted charisma.
Sedgwick allures Warhol at an art gallery because of her beauty, socialite rank and old money. Sedgwick becomes Warhol’s muse, whom he promises to bring iconic fame by starring her in his short films.
The shallow socialites who frequent The Factory quickly introduce Sedgwick to speed, which initiates her downward spiral to drugs.
Sedgwick possesses a self-inflicting vulnerability from her dark family life, which she continually reflects on throughout the film. She always needs someone to nurture her and Warhol exploits this weakness, damaging Sedgwick’s reputation, career and individuality.
Pearce has a solid performance that may surprise viewers with the depiction of Warhol’s egotism and superficial life. Though both Pearce and Miller nail their roles, Hickenlooper sails through the characters without establishing any real depth. The plot speeds through tragedy in Sedgwick’s life without examining the aftermath. Perhaps this further demonstrates the underlying shallowness inherent in both Warhol and Sedgwick.
The film, nevertheless, captures the 1960s era with the characters’ brightly colored attire, trivial dialogue and fast-moving shots.
The film is short, paralleling the quick rise and fall of Sedgwick’s fame. Her harrowing decimation from amphetamines aside, Sedgwick will be remembered as an influential style icon and American sweetheart.
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New film ‘Factory Girl’ proves quick and stylish
Daily Emerald
February 20, 2007
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