It has come to the attention of the Student Cooperative Association that the ASUO has encountered a surplus budget of $728,000. We highly recommend that a portion of these available funds be invested in projects adding to the environmental and economic sustainability of the University.
Firstly, we recommend investment in a Community Supported Agriculture program, or CSA. Community Supported Agriculture programs first appeared in Japan and Switzerland in the 1960s, and they have been gaining popularity in the United States and Europe. A CSA is an economic partnership between consumers interested in local organic food and farmers seeking stable markets for their produce. The benefits of such a program include relieving the farmers of the risks associated with weather, pests, and uncertain market forces, while encouraging biologically sound farming practices and minimizing wasted food.
Secondly, we would like to support advances in expanding wind power options to supplement the energy used by the University. Wind power is the most environmentally benign power source available, as it does not produce pollution or waste, and it does not deplete finite resources. Technological innovations have also dramatically dropped costs in the implementation of wind power collection.
We are living in a time of great environmental uncertainty. The shift toward conscientious consumerism is imperative to our lasting power. Please help us show that this University is dedicated to the advancement solutions that benefit our community and ecosystem.
Kevin Michael Uehlein
University Student
ASUO should spend its surplus funds on evironmental sustainability
Daily Emerald
February 18, 2007
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