I understand that, in preparation for hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics, Beijing has mounted a campaign to put an end to public spitting in an effort to demonstrate to next year’s visitors from around the world that, despite occasional rumors to the contrary, China is a truly civilized country.
Meanwhile, back here in Eugene, the uncouth habit proliferates, cutting across socio-economic classes and affecting women as well as men. Last week, as I was pedaling home from campus, I was passing another cyclist on his left when out of his mouth flew a wad of saliva that, had I been going only slightly faster, would have landed on my right cheek or arm.
When visiting Canada or western European countries, I don’t see people spitting – or, worse, evacuating their nostrils into mid-air, another disgusting habit of certain Eugeneans who eschew the handkerchiefs of the well-bred. Why is it different here? Could these behaviors be related to that other affliction of so many Americans, the “hydration fetish,” that requires the constant sucking on a water bottle?
I’m pleased to see that “spitting” is on Lane Transit District’s list of no-no’s that is posted at the Eugene Station bus terminal. And I’m hopeful that this good idea will spread to the rest of Eugene in time for the 2008 Summer Olympic Trials. It’s Eugene’s chance to show the world that, like Beijing, we are willing to clean up our act and behave like civilized human beings.
Whitey Lueck
Adjunct Faculty