Teresa Bowns
Sophomore midfielder
Oregon Daily Emerald: You and your team face powerhouse Portland Friday at Papé Field. What is your mentality entering the match?
Teresa Bowns: We have a little revenge in mind. We have lost to them twice now. I think now we want an opportunity to prove ourselves again. We are pretty pumped and ready to get the show started.
ODE: What do you do to relax?
TB: I definitely have weekly shows. I am a fan of “The Hills,” “Life of Ryan” and “Grey’s Anatomy.”
ODE: Are your teammates fans of those shows, too?
TB: Definitely. We usually watch as a team now, usually at my house. We have a projector screen and five couches in one room.
ODE: You have a big living room?
TB: I live with a pretty big household – there are three guys and three other girls. It is a pretty big house.
ODE: Do you live with any athletes?
TB: Yeah, I live with one softball player, Carlyn Re. We met in the dorms and now we live together.
ODE: Do you wish your team played home and road games against every Pacific-10 Conference team?
TB: I mean yeah, that would be nice just in case one of the games didn’t go the way you wanted it to. But it is nice playing them once because you are either going to beat them or you are not.
ODE: The squad has been on a scoring tear. You and your teammates have been able to score without Nicole Garbin, huh?
TB: A lot of different players are stepping up. Stats are showing that a lot more people are on the board this year. It is nice getting everyone involved.
ODE: You have three older siblings who played college sports. Tell me about those games in the backyard growing up.
TB: I come from a family with eight kids. I am the seventh one. So I have two older brothers, four older sisters and one younger sister and we are all pretty athletic. It is nice growing up around sports to challenge you and make you better – especially because you aren’t beating them when you are younger.
ODE: Did you have a big backyard?
TB: Our backyard is big. We usually played basketball back there. We have a paved concrete surface and one hoop. It was enough to play pickup games. It was fun.
ODE: So you were a basketball player, too?
TB: All through middle school. I had to pick basketball or soccer in high school because we played year-round.
ODE: Was that a tough decision?
TB: I went with what I loved more and I think I made the right decision. And I’m pretty short, so I wouldn’t be able to do much now on the court.
ODE: I hear you like snowboarding? Have you boarded in Oregon yet?
TB: I haven’t done it in Oregon yet. I finally did bring my stuff up. I know (sophomore forward) Melissa Buich loves to snowboard, too.
ODE: What are some cool things to do in Redmond, Wash., your hometown?
TB: Shop in Seattle or go boating.
ODE: What’s your favorite food?
TB: That is a tough one. Thai or Mexican.
ODE: Where’s the best place to go for a late-night snack in Eugene?
TB: I would have to say Prince Pucklers Ice Cream. I have had countless nights there and the ice cream is so fresh.
ODE: What’s your role on the field this year?
TB: This year it has kind of been a little different. I started the year off playing attacking midfielder, but recently I have been playing forward. It has been a change for me. But anything to stay on the field is worth it.
ODE: How did you and the rest of your teammates become immune from the rain? I didn’t see anybody shivering against PSU on Sunday.
TB: I think our team enjoys the rain actually. We worked on slide tackling all week and they were perfect conditions to practice in the rain. Our team is going to play through anything without a complaint.
ODE: Slide tackling – that sounds fun.
TB: We used Slip ‘n Slide material the first day. It turned more into sliding on our bellies.
ODE: Who’s the team clown?
TB: Jen Stoltenberg (a freshman forward). She definitely knows how to make everyone laugh.
ODE: What’s she do?
TB: She says awkward comments, dances in the locker room. She has a booty dance.
– Dan Jones
Athlete of the Week: Teresa Bowns
Daily Emerald
October 2, 2007
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