I’m writing in response to the Emerald’s editorial concerning measure 50. Taxing tobacco to pay for others’ needs is wrong in several ways.
One, by taxing others to pay for your child’s health care relieves you of the responsibility that you brought on yourself. These individuals chose to have kids; they should have looked at their short, medium and long-term economic situation before the choice was made.
Two, by not forcing them to take responsibility for their actions we are creating a likely scenario in which this behavior will not only continue but also increase. It should also be noted that parents will not have the incentive to force their kids to eat healthy and not spend hours on the game console because the cost could come out of their pocket.
Three, we’re just creating a society of dependents with such programs. If I spend 18 years getting healthcare why would I not expect to get it for the next 50? Furthermore, if the Emerald thinks there will be enough revenue in the future they are incredibly na’ve. If you honestly think the “state has taken this factor into account” you’re crazy! How long down the road did they project for: five, 10 years? It does not stand to reason that as individuals quit smoking the amount of money to fund the program will still be there. The government, at any level, does not project, plan and fund very well – think 7 trillion dollar deficit.
Finally, if people want to smoke that’s their right! This is the reason we must privatize health care. So if Bob smokes and gets lung cancer or suffers from some other smoke-related illness then Bob will be the only one to bare the cost.
Christopher Hawkins
University student
The Measure 50 tobacco tax unfair burden on smokers
Daily Emerald
October 28, 2007
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