There has been a lot of talk in the news condemning Rupert Murdoch’s recent acquisition of Dow Jones & Co., publisher of the Wall Street Journal. Critics say that this is an addition to the growing and already powerful conservative media, built by the consolidation of media outlets. Personally, I see no problem. After all, this country is certainly not suffering from a lack of left-leaning newspapers, including, but not limited to, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the San Francisco Chronicle, and frankly almost every major U.S. newspaper. Some of these newspapers have the chutzpa to call themselves “Newspapers of Record,” while others consistently and openly back Democrats for elected positions.
Having said this, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate one of Rupert’s fellow billionaires, while offering Murdoch a bit of media-related advice. First, my congratulations go to George Soros, the billionaire left-wing sage of Hungary. Mr. Soros, you are the man. You have managed to build a media empire that is not only immune to criticism (due to the closed-door deals that have created it), but is also able to forgo almost any campaign finance law, allowing you to put your money where your mouth is and contribute millions of dollars to Democratic candidates.
For those who have never heard of Soros, he made his approximately $8.5 billion fortune largely through international investments in hedge funds. These funds did a fantastic job of realizing international discrepancies in monetary values, and exploiting them. Soros’ media empire begins with the vanguard group deceptively named the Open Society Institute. Millions of dollars are pumped into this organization, and strategically allocated to organizations that produce so much political spin that after reading their studies and advertisements, it makes one feel like Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would protect our freedoms better than the Bush administration.
These organizations include the likes of, the Web site that recently ran a full-page ad in the New York Times calling General Petraeus, commander of the Iraq war, “General Betray Us.” Also based in the Soros camp is the online site known as Media Matters, whose mission statement reads, “…progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.” As if to say that misinformation is created by conservative media, while liberal media is always correct. After all, Keith Olbermann and Chris Mathews are objective, right? Today on the Media Matters Web site, you will learn that Bill O’Reilly is a racist, Michael Savage a homophobe, and Dan Rather’s National Guard story was legitimate. Thanks, Media Matters! I feel safe and protected from those crazy right-wingers!
Two groups known as Americans Coming Together and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now are also in Soros’ arsenal. ACT was recently fined $775,000 – the third largest penalty in the FEC’s 33-year history – for illegally funneling $70 million meant to be set aside for voter registrations to Democratic candidates instead. And ACORN has been sanctioned in 13 different states since 2004 under accusations of voter fraud – in addition to being convicted of falsifying signatures in a voter registration drive.
Again, I must offer my congratulations to Soros. I don’t know how you did it. The aforementioned organizations have become highly influential members of the media. They are well-funded and well-publicized outlets that pump out left-wing studies and articles almost never challenged by the mainstream.
Why should this matter to the average American? It matters because these groups manipulate politicians, media, and alter our view of society. CNN is involved in a scandal, allegedly taking information from Media Matters and running it as hard news. We also must ask ourselves why presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama did not condemn for their disgraceful ad against General Petraeus. Is it possible that Soros has bought a piece of our government?
No, I am not afraid of Murdoch’s control of the Wall Street Journal. I am terrified of George Soros and the incredible influence he wields over politicians and the mainstream media. I am even more alarmed of the fact that nobody is talking about it.
And finally, my advice for Rupert Murdoch: Rupert, what are you thinking? Don’t you know how to successfully acquire a media outlet, while simultaneously keeping public opinion on your side? Take a lesson from Soros: Next time you make this kind of investment, don’t tell anyone. Or, if all else fails, lie!