Dave Frohnmayer has been the University president since 1994. He has served as Oregon’s attorney general, dean of the School of Law, and been a member of the Oregon House of Representatives, according to an online biography.
He completed his undergraduate studies at Harvard University, his study of law at the University of California, Berkeley and was a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford.
Born in Medford, Frohnmayer is the first native Oregonian to be president of a large research university in the state.
In the 1970s Frohnmayer was a professor at the law school and was elected to the Oregon House three times. In 1980, ’84 and ’88 he was elected the state’s attorney general. In that position, he argued and won six of seven cases before the United States Supreme Court.
In 1990, Frohnmayer ran for governor and lost to Democratic candidate Barbara Roberts.
Robin Holmes became vice president of student affairs this year. Holmes oversees the Career Center, the Counseling and Testing Center, the Office of the Dean of Students, the EMU, the University Health Center, University Housing, the Department of Physical Education and Recreation and the Office of Student Life, according to an online biography.
A licensed clinical psychologist, Holmes received master’s and bachelor’s degrees from California State University, Fullerton and holds a master’s degree and doctorate from the California School of Professional Psychology.
She served as the director of the University Counseling and Testing Center until her appointment. Holmes began her career at the University in 1992 and has been the chief psychologist on campus.
Holmes is currently serving a fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley and will return to campus in January 2008.
Linda P. Brady became the senior vice president and provost of the University in 2006, after serving for five years as dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at North Carolina State University.
Raised in New York City, Brady was the first member of her family to attend college, according to an online biography. Brady received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science from Rutgers University. She earned her doctorate in the field from Ohio State University.
After graduating, Brady worked for the U.S. Department of State and the Department of Defense. In the 1990s, Brady was a professor of international affairs at Georgia Institute of Technology and was a professor of national security at the United States Military Academy.
Vice Provost Charles Martinez has headed the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity since 2005.
Martinez serves as the University’s chief diversity officer and has provided leadership for a campus-wide Diversity Plan that has been controversial on campus.
According to an online biography, Martinez received his bachelor’s from Pitzer College, Claremont. He earned a master’s degree and a doctorate from California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego.
He was an associate professor of education at the University and a clinical psychologist and research scientist in Eugene before taking his post.
ASUO President Emily McLain graduated from Forest Grove High School and is a senior majoring in international studies and political science, according to her Facebook profile. The ASUO constitution says the president “is responsible for the administration of ASUO programs and acts as the official spokesperson for UO students.”
Last year McLain served on the on the board of directors for the Oregon Student Association. She has told the Emerald she wanted to run for executive because she feels a need to speak up to correct injustices and problems when she sees them.
“If I’ve learned anything, I know that I want to commit a significant portion of my life to public service,” McLain said. “I’ve not found anything else that gets me excited.”
ASUO Vice President Chii-San SunOwen is a junior majoring in ethnic studies, political science, and Chinese. She grew up in Albany, Ore. according to her Facebook profile. The ASUO constitution states the vice president “shall assume all the
duties pertaining to the office of the President in the President’s absence and all other duties as delegated by the President.”
SunOwen was a co-director of the Asian-Pacific American Student Union and held a seat on the Programs Finance Committee, which allocates the $208 students pay each term in incidental fees, before being elected with Emily McLain last spring.
She told the Emerald she wants to hold “ASUO 101” discussions that could be catered to student groups that aren’t always familiar with the way student government works.