University President Dave Frohnmayer presented a proposal at Tuesday’s University Senate meeting for a facility to house an academic learning center for athletes.
The facility, which would be entirely funded by private donations, would be located at the triangular plot of land located across the street from the former site of the Williams’ Bakery. It could potentially be adjacent to a new alumni center.
The current academic center is housed in “dumpy facilities in Esslinger,” Frohnmayer said.
“It would replace a completely substandard center,” he said. “(The current facility) is physically inadequate.”
The first floor might contain a library, a cyber café and a lecture hall that could serve all students and faculty.
“In concept, it could serve tens of thousands of people,” he said.
– Moriah Balingit
President proposes new learning facility
Daily Emerald
January 10, 2007
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