Rennie’s Landing
1214 Kincaid St.
4pm- 7pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.25 domestic pint
$3.00 microbrew pint
$5.50 domestic pitcher
$7.95 microbrew pitcher
wells $2.50 single, $4.50 double
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
The Tiny Tavern
394 Blair Blvd.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 Olympia or PBR pints
4pm- 6pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.00 microbrews
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 well drinks
933 Olive St.
$1.00 off microbrews
4pm- 7pm
$1.00 off call liquor
Waterfront Bar and Grill
2210 Centennial Blvd.
4pm- 6pm
$3.00 call drinks
Rennie’s Landing
1214 Kincaid St.
4pm- 7pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.25 domestic pint
$3.00 microbrew pint
$5.50 domestic pitcher
$7.95 microbrew pitcher wells $2.50 single, $4.50 double
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 well drinks
The Tiny Tavern
394 Blair Blvd.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 Olympia or PBR pints
4pm- 6pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.00 microbrews
933 Olive St.
$1.00 off microbrews
4pm- 7pm
$1.00 off call liquor
Indigo District
1290 Oak St.
9pm- midnight
$2.00 wells & drafts
Waterfront Bar and Grill
2210 Centennial Blvd.
4pm- 6pm
$3.00 call drinks
Rennie’s Landing
1214 Kincaid St.
4pm- 7pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.25 domestic pint
$3.00 microbrew pint
$5.50 domestic pitcher
$7.95 microbrew pitcher
wells $2.50 single, $4.50 double
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
The Tiny Tavern
394 Blair Blvd.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 Olympia or PBR pints
4pm- 6pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.00 microbrews
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
9pm- 10:30pm
$1.00 microbrews
10:30- midnight
$2.00 well drinks
933 Olive St.
$1.00 off microbrews
4pm- 7pm
$1.00 off call liquor
Indigo District
1290 Oak St.
9pm- midnight
$1.00 off drinks
Waterfront Bar and Grill
2210 Centennial Blvd.
$1.00 off wine
4pm- 6pm
$3.00 call drinks
Rennie’s Landing
1214 Kincaid St.
4pm- 7pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.25 domestic pint
$3.00 microbrew pint
$5.50 domestic pitcher
$7.95 microbrew pitcher
wells $2.50 single, $4.50 double
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
The Tiny Tavern
394 Blair Blvd.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 Olympia or PBR pints
4pm- 6pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.00 microbrews
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
Ladies only:
$1.00 Bud light &2.00 PBR
10pm- midnight
$2.00 Long Islands
$2.00 wells
933 Olive St.
$1.00 off microbrews
4pm- 7pm
$1.00 off call liquor
Waterfront Bar and Grill
2210 Centennial Blvd.
4pm- 10pm
$5.00 burger & brew
4pm- 6pm
$3.00 call drinks
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
9pm- 10:30pm
$2.00 35-ounce domestic
9pm- midnight
Jagermeister shots
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
The Tiny Tavern
394 Blair Blvd.
9pm- 11pm
$1.00 Olympia or PBR pints
4pm- 6pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.00 microbrews
Rennie’s Landing
1214 Kincaid St.
4pm- 7pm & 10pm- midnight
$2.25 domestic pint
$3.00 microbrew pint
$5.50 domestic pitcher
$7.95 microbrew pitcher
wells $2.50 single, $4.50
933 Olive St.
$1.00 off microbrews
$2.00 Crater lake vodka
4pm- 7pm
$1.00 off call liquor
Waterfront Bar and Grill
2210 Centennial Blvd.
4pm- 6pm
$3.00 call drinks
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
9pm- midnight
$2.00 Long Islands
$3.75 Taylor’s Lemonade
933 Olive St.
10pm- midnight
$2.00 Jack Daniel’s
Rennie’s Landing
1214 Kincaid St.
Free pool all day
The Horsehead
99 W. Broadway
11:30am- 9pm
$3.00 microbrew
$2.00 Budweiser
$1.75 Pabst Blue Ribbon
$1.00 off cocktails
4pm- 5pm
$2.00 microbrew
$1.00 Budweiser or PBR
Taylor’s Bar and Grill
894 E. 13th Ave.
$1.25 off cocktails
$2.25 off pitchers
Free pool all day