With the high cost of living for students in Eugene, living in Springfield is sometimes a better option for those living on a budget. And despite the negative stereotypes associated with “Springtucky,” it can be a cheap and fun place to live.
The Gateway area in particular has plenty to offer. A quick drive around the area will show that there’s a huge number of apartment complexes and duplexes all around Gateway, many of them for very reasonable prices. Beware: Some of the apartment complexes in the area are “affordable housing,” meaning that there is an income limit on who can live there.
The area’s real draw, though, is shopping – all within walking distance. The Gateway Mall, in addition to being a prime hangout spot for Springfield’s middle school kids, has Target, Kohl’s, Sears and a theater, as well as Circuit City and Hollywood Video in the surrounding parking lots. Also in the area, there are three gas stations, a Best Buy, a post office, a liquor store and Castle Megastore. If you need something, chances are you’ll find it at Gateway. Also, a Starbucks is going in near Best Buy, so that will open soon to provide Gateway residents with a caffeine fix. Admit it: You want to live near Gateway so you can walk on over to Castle and test out its wall of vibrators.
There’s also plenty to eat at Gateway. From fast food, to buffets, to sit-down restaurants, Gateway pretty much has it all. Applebee’s and Outback Steakhouse are nearby and are usually pretty popular. And for late-night eats, Shari’s and Denny’s are nearby with decent enough food.
If you’re looking for cheap grocery shopping, head over to Olympic Street, just off Mohawk Boulevard. Here you’ll find WinCo Foods and a Wal-Mart Supercenter, which both offer affordable grocery shopping. Opponents of Wal-Mart might want to stick to the Northwest-grown WinCo.
As far as nightlife goes, Springfield’s strength lies mostly in its bars and strip clubs, sadly. Prime Time Sports Bar & Grill, on Mohawk Boulevard, and The CountrySide Bar & Grill, on Main Street, are two popular watering holes for Springfield residents. The CountrySide tends to be favored by the cowboy hat-wearing crowd, whereas Prime Time is perfect for sports fans. But The CountrySide is located at 4740 Main St., which is probably farther into town than most students would need to go. Smoking is allowed in Springfield bars, so keep that in mind if you decide to hit the town.
For classier daytime fare, try The Pump Cafe (710 Main St.) and Addi’s Diner (207 S. A Street), both in Downtown Springfield. The Pump is a classic American diner in an gas station, while Addi’s is a classic American diner in a classic American diner, complete with kitschy decorations.
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