It’s disappointing that the religious gentleman currently at the EMU consistently draws audiences larger than many other socially conscious events on campus. Every time I walk by the EMU, I witness a mob of people watching and participating in this man’s theatrics. Let’s not disillusion ourselves into believing that we are somehow doing campus, woman, men, Jesus or the world a favor by reacting to what this man has to say
Are we afraid that if we don’t stand by, jeer and hiss at this man’s stories and insults that our fellow classmates will believe we support him? Students have gone beyond engaging this man in genial discussion, but have resorted to mob mentality. The mob encourages insults, mockery and hatred.
There is nothing beneficial to be achieved from these actions. Everyone involved loses; the gentleman doing the talking because he lives each day with anger in his heart, and the students because they become an extension of that anger.
If you participate in this, please do not fool yourself into thinking you are a better person than he is. If you have so much energy and passion for activism, then focus it on positively. Let’s discuss the war in Iraq, gay rights, immigration laws, tax reform or any of the other issue that truly concerns our generation.
Kevin Minderhout
University student
Mob reaction to religious visitor has drawn attention away from more pressing issues
Daily Emerald
June 7, 2007
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