Oljar, Sally
Mercer Island, WA
I was Managing Editor for 1979-1980 and Classified Ad Manager from 1980-1983.I came from the LCC Torch – remember it? The Emerald is where everyone shouldspend their twenties. Some of my closest friends are all Emerald alum -you Spit Sisters know who you are! I remember the joy of tirelessness, ofdoing good work for nothing, of laughing until you cried, the creativityand talent, the chance to semi-run a business as kids, the Beer Garden,the Vets Club, the Vida Barn, and most definitely the Darkroom!
I got married and moved to Seattle in 1984, doing freelance writing andgraphic design. I owned an independent bookstore in Issaquah, WA from 1988-1994.I sold it just as Barnes & Noble started swallowing the independents up.
Prater, Marcus
Twin Falls, ID [email protected]
I worked as a sports writer at the Emerald as a freshman in 1982-83,covering women’s cross country, volleyball and a mixed bag of other assignments.I recall getting paid by the column inch – the next-to-nothing rate, I believe-but it was good experienc e, as I was told.
I enjoyed my time there and parlayed that into three years with The Register-Guard for an hourly wage. I then left beautiful Oregon for Casper, Wyoming, where I spent six years as sports editor of the Casper Star-Tribune. It was actually a great gig, but when the world of public relations called, I turned myback on the lucrative field of journalism and settled for the poverty-strickenworld of casino gaming. I joined Ameristar Casinos, Inc. as Marketing Communications Manager and reside in my hometown of Twin Falls, Idaho. We have casino operations in Nevada, Mississippi and Iowa and so I’m often a man on the move. I even have Saturdays off and faithfully follow the Ducks. Thanks for the memories, Emerald!
Pynes, Mark
Harrisburg, PA
Summer Photo Editor 1982, 1983 and production lab tech from 1981-1984.I had the time of my life during my three years at the Emerald as both afreelance photographer (the going rate was $5 per published photo) and labtech, at minimum wage, I think it was $4.25 back then. Covered over 40concerts with editorial page editor Cort Fernald including Iggy Pop, TSOL,The Clash, The Beat, Grateful Dead, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Chuck Berry,Pertenders, The Animals, Albert King and Talking Heads to name a few.Covered the opening of the Hult Center. I worked for editors Henry Esteveand Debby Howlett. Enjoyed working with feature editor Angela Allen andsports editor Steve Spatz. Worked for photo editors Bob Baker, Dave Kow, KenKrommer and Michael Clapp. Because I was a tech I also got to work closelywith production staff like Michele Ross, Cuffy MacMullen, Vickie Cook,Theresa Dipenbrock, Bruce Bolton, Carrie Greaves and who could ever forgetMichael Leander who convinced the sports staff he attended USC with O.J.Simpson in 1969 when Simpson graduated in 1968.
After leaving the Emerald I worked for a year at the Register-Guard as a labtech, making reprint orders and covering Oregon sports for the AssociatedPress. From 1985-87 I was THE staff photographer at Oregon’s smallest dailynewspaper The Ashland Daily Tidings. Moved to Sacramento in 1987 for threeyears of work at the zoned editions of the Sacarmento Bee before moving tothe main staff at the Sacramento Union (which folded in 1994). I got layedoff in 1991 and became photo editor at the Fairfield, California DailyRepublic where I stayed until October of 1998. I’m now Director ofPhotography at the Patriot-News, the 165,000 daily in Pennsylvanias captiol.
Robertson, Brad
Portland, OR [email protected]
I was a politics reporter in 1988-89, working hard fall term, droppingoff just a bit after April. Great time though, learned a bunch. Leveragedan interview with Peter DeFazio into an internship in D.C.
Since then I have been running my shaved ice business in Portland duringthe summers, traveling in Asia, Latin America and Europe on the proceeds,and selling books in New York City during the winters. I have settled ina bit to pursue an MBA at Portland State in the hopes of creating one giganticsnow cone world. Or something.
Sands, Ken
Spokane Wash [email protected]
I was at the ODE from 1977-81, and vaguely remember lots of other namesin this directory.
I am now Idaho editor at The Spokesman-Review. My wife Holly owns anart gallery and we have a son, Connor, age 6.
San Francisco, Calif. [email protected].
I worked at the ODE 1979-80 as sports writer, starting out by coveringfield hockey, a sport I had never even seen. I can’t recall writing anythingtoo significant, but had fun with one story about athletes’ superstitions.One basketball coach (Elwin Hein y) said he didn’t have a superstition,but let his team think that he need to have a hot fudge sundae before everygame. He just liked the idea.
After the UO I was a reporter and, later, news director at KUGN AM/FMin Eugene for nine years. In 1992 I left the news biz for teaching and nowam enjoying teaching fourth grade in San Francisco. I also compete againstfellow ODE alumni Mark and Michele Matassa in a rotisserie baseball league.
Shaw, Frank
Portland, OR [email protected]
1982-84, freelance writer, staff writer, news editor
vice-president with Waggener Edstrom, a high tech PR firm.
Shaw (Svanevik while at UO), Lisa
Springfield, OR [email protected]
1987-89…first as a classified ad typesetter, then a copy editor (freelance),and finally as a reporter (also freelance) covering such excitement as IFCmeetings.
Own a business, Pro/Edit, which has a large UO student clientele fortyping, editing, and writing assistance–I am now a heavy-duty regular presencein the classifieds of your newspaper, which I still read sometimes.
Schukar, Melissa
Fresno, CA [email protected]
I was a copy editor during 1985-86 and a free-lancer until graduation in spring 1989. I also was a writer for Spectrum magazine with the Dynamic Duo of Stan (Nelson) and Steve (Maher).
I’m a page designer/copy editor at The Fresno Bee with fellow Ducks JodyMurray and Bill Haines.
Sims, Michael
Salem, OR [email protected]
1984: Associate Editor. 1984-85: Managing Editor. 1985-86: Copy Editor.
I am Executive Assistant for the Oregon State Board of Medical Examiners, Portland. I moved to the BME in August 2000 from Salem, where I spent nearly 10 years as an association manager and lobbyist.
Simmons, Alyson
Key West, FL [email protected]
I worked at the ODE from 1983 through 1987, beginning as a typesetterin Classified, and finishing as Classified Ad Manager. In addition, I freelancednews and features during this time.
Now I publish a quarterly magazine, freelance, and am a community outreachcoordinator for an environmental agency. Life is goo
Swanson, Larry
Seattle, WA [email protected]
I was the classified ad manager from Dec. ’83 to June ’84. I finallymade it back home to Seattle last year (1997), after a couple of years ofnew-media publishing in the Bay Area. Right now I’m working part-time forThe WebWorkz (http://www.thewebworkz.com),a resource center for small businesses online, and going to The Brian UttingSchool of Massage at night. I recently wrote an article for internet beginnersfor Applied Clinical Trials magazine (http://www.halcyon.com/lswanson/ACTlinks.htm).
Swenson, Tamara
Osaka, Japan [email protected]
1978-1981, reporter, assistant sports editor (Hi, Ken), Sports Editor(Hi, Jody), lots of time on the night desk.
Now: Associate Professor at Osaka Jogakuin Junior College, where I teachcourses on news writing/layout, composition, and current events, and Editorof JALT Journal, a educational research journal devoted to second languageacquisition research as it rela tes to language education in Japan. Marriedto Brad Visgatis, an associate professor at another college in Osaka. Imet Brad through Yvonne Beasley of backroom fame (when layout was done manually). Together we experienced the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1 995. It was as bad as the news reports showed. Fortunately, the Kobe/Osaka area is slowly recovering. Our building suffered minor damage, but on the 9th floor youfeel every “bump.” The experience was certainly stimulating. Itwas nice to see that so ma ny of the people I worked with at the Emeraldare still involved with the media in one way or another. Best to all.
Thomsen, B.J.
Okinawa, Japan [email protected]
Wrote for the Emerald from 1985-1987 covering state politics and theOregon Legislature
I’m a Captain in the Marine Corps. I fly the CH-46 helicopter and amcurrently stationed in Okinawa, Japan
Santa Fe, New Mexico [email protected]
I answered the call for a free lance reporter post at the Emerald Falland Winter 1981…then bailed out for an radio news internship at KPNW.
Having completed my Master’s in Public Administration, at the Universityof New Mexico in 1996, I am now a Planner with the New Mexico DevelopmentalDisabilities Planning Council. I continue work in radio, however, as a part-timereporter with the National Public Radio affiliate in Albuquerque. OccasionallyI file stories with the networks, including NPR. I also spend as much timeas I can with my six year old daughter, Samantha
Wee, Kelvin
Eugene, OR [email protected]
I spent four years up in the Ivory Tower banging away at those keyboards.Don’t ask me to recall the exact years, I just don’t. Just another repressedmemory. I vaguely recall starting as a freelancer, then getting hired asa reporter. I believe I be came an associate editor later, then managingeditor and after that, entertainment editor. And that’s what I did best.Entertained myself, that is. I honestly believe the liquid lunches at Taylor’shad quite a bit to do with how hazy things are today. But I hold nothingagainst Mike Drummond for that. While I don’t have any clear memories ofmy time at the ODE, I’m sure I enjoyed them. I certainly remember spendinghours smoking and chatting with dear Jean Ownbey, god rest her wonderfulsoul. I als o enjoyed the other folks-Paula Green, Carolyn Lamberson, ScottMaben, Chris Blair, Stan and Betsy, Aaron and Kelly, Angie Muniz, CatherineHawley, Denise Clifton, Andy Lamar, dear Mike Rivers, Sarah Kitchen, andthe production team Michele, Sandi and Ing rid…etc., etc., etc. Lookingforward to November…
Another ODEr who never went into journalism. Tried social work for afew months after graduation but was rudely awakened from that dream soonafter getting into it. I then did a little bit of this, a little bit ofthat but a lot of resume mailing. Fina lly landed a job with a softwarecompany. Spent four years there and will probably spend the next four yearsbitching to my shrink about those four years. Right now I’m semi-retired.Bought a house four years ago and paid it off a month ago. As for th e future,I just plan on gardening a lot and spending time with my pets. I may movesometime soon as I’m getting rather bored with Oregon. Was recently offereda job in New Zealand but turned it down because my heart is really set onmoving to Brazil ins tead. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know. It just soundsso exotic. But until I decide what to do, I’ll keep spending my days polishingmy tiaras and volunteering to fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS in ourworld. (now, go back to the top and begin rea ding it all with a lisp!)See ya in November, unless I’m in Brazil.
Wood(Johnstone), Sandy
Denton, TX [email protected]
Worked at ODE 1982-84, as features editor, university/administrationbeat and finally as managing editor
After getting my Ph.D. in political science from University of Minnesotain 1994, I began teaching political science at the University of North Texas,in Denton (suburb of Dalls). I focus on the Supreme Court and judicial politics.Most importantly, I am remarried to an attorney, Robert, and we have a wonderfulone-year old son, Michael.