an I did athome or in class and became warmly acquainted with the worn couch just outsidethe editor’s office.
After graduating I worked in Germany writing features about reunification.I then worked at dailies in San Diego and Aberdeen, Wash., before landinga job with The Daily News in Longview, Wash. I’ve won several regional andnational awards, including a 19 94 Best of the West award for business andfinancial reporting.
Duncan, Mike
Portland, OR
[email protected]
1982-85: Features, Hard News, the Entertainment weekly. Greatest achievement:the April Fools issue of ’85. Made a lot of late night toasted raisin bagelsfor the red-eyed Photo Editor (who still owes me big).
Won $5 Mil lottery in ’91. What’d I do with all the money? Chased women,did a lot of drugs, and I guess, wasted some of it too. But the Polka bandwas GREAT! Now working as Tech Writer, Web Guy at a major Health MaintenanceOrganization near you. Afraid? You should be. Some people even ask me formedical advice.
Fuller, Ted
Aloha, OR
[email protected]
87-88, Freelance EVERYTHING (Speed skiing, Bob Dole stumping for a DeFazioopponent, countless IFC meetingzzzz).
Sentenced to 2 years at The Bulletin in Bend. Highlights were 17 storiesin 5 days (not even a thanks) and getting flamed for a misspelling in aheadline caught in paste-up. Married Kathy Leach, ODE copy editor 86-87.Both quit our jobs and traveled throu gh Germany June 1990 (6 months afterthe wall came down). Four years as a tech writer (fewer deadlines, lotsof fun with graphics). Now a software tester with Graphic Media, settingnew standards in on-line marketing and computer-based training. Proud father of Hannah, age 3, and a sibling to be named later (due August 1996).Active with Greyhound Pets of America, finding homes for retired racinggreyhounds.
Green (now Gustafson), Paula A.
Boise, Idaho
[email protected]
My life at the ODE began in October, 1987, after I begged Stan Nelsonand Scott Maben to give me a job, even though I had no previous collegejournalism experience. I was told later that they hired me because theythought I was a good bet for handling Hig her Education Editor Michael Drummond.(That, of course, became a whole ‘nother story in itself.) After about sixmonths, I began a stint as Editorial Co-Editor, which allowed me to developan underlying cynical and sarcastic nature, while releasing me f rom reportingabout University Senate meetings. I spent so much time at the ODE or atTaylor’s Tavern (the other ODE hangout) that I just never managed to distinguishmyself in the School of Journalism. Alas, I graduated from the U of O in’91 with a B. A. in English. However, my memories of the Emerald, thoughslightly foggy, are very fond indeed.
Although I never became a journalist, I did remain a writer! Today, Iam a technical editor/writer for a company in Boise, Idaho, that suppliesequipment to the semiconductor industry. I document hardware and softwarefor engineers, technicians and oper ators. In May, I married one of my co-workers,David, who is an electrical engineer/software designer/geek with enoughnerve to scoff at my liberal arts degree! Our union was blessed by the attendanceof former ODE alum Chris Bouneff, Stephanie Holland, Catherine Hawley, ThomasProwell, Carolyn Lamberson and Scott Maben. (Denise Clifton was too illto attend, but she did send a lovely gift in her place!) See you all againin November at the reunion!
Gullberg, Ron
Casper, WY
[email protected]
Off and on from 1985-87 Covered UO football, cross country and wrestling
I have been sports editor at the Casper Star-Tribune since Aug. 1993.Won National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Sportswriter ofthe Year award in 1994 and 95. Sports section just won a 1995 AssociatedPress Sports Editors Top 10 Sunday sect ion award for newspapers under 50,000circulation (for 1995).
Heldt, John
Cedar Rapids, IA
[email protected]
I reported on student government during the 1983-84 school year.
I graduated from the University of Iowa in July with a Masters in Libraryand Information Science and currently live in Boise, Idaho. I spent the past five years as sportseditor for the Peninsula Daily News in Port Angeles, WA, after working fornewspapers in Bend, Forest Grove, and Ontario, OR. Married to Cheryl FellowsHeldt, a 1986 UO graduate. I am now working asa library assistant in the Boise (Idaho) Public Library. We have two daughters, Heidi (7) and Amy (5),and a son, Matthew (3).
Madisonville, TN
[email protected]
Fall 1981-Spring 1983. General assignment/city & county politics/features/campus– one of the beat editors in the summer of ’82.
Living on my wife Monica Sutton’s family farm near Madisonville, TN,with chickens, cats, dogs, polecats, assorted other critters wandering through& a view of the mountains. Working in Knoxville, TN, as a writer/editorfor King Publishing Corp. — writing about the coal industry, ad nauseum,and sick of it!!! But, hey, it’s a living and a good one at that. Playingthe mandolin and flat-top guitar, going to bluegrass jams and festivalsas often as I can, even at the risk of divorce, learning all I can aboutthe music, talking to the old-time musicians. E. Tenn. is as beautiful asOregon and the country/Appa lachian lifestyle is rich and colorful. Themusic is everywhere. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else right now, exceptmaybe across the mountain in western North Carolina. Any other bluegrass/old-timemusicians out there? I’ve lived in TN/GA/VA area ever since I left Oregonin the fall of 1984. One of my last memories of Oregon was meeting up withDane Claussen at a “Blasters” rock ‘n’ roll show in Portland inthe summer/fall of ’84. I remember Dane’s “alternative” newspaper, The Commentator, and I may have some copies of that in the attic.Also remember Cort Fernald, Harry Esteve and Debbie Howlett — I see herbyline all the time in USA Today. Way to go, Debbie!! Right now I’m doing volunteer DJ work for a 200-watt community radio station, WDVX89.9 fm. Visit the website at The station will have a webcastsoon and you can listen to me “live” on the ‘net! (Sunday afternoons noon-3p.m. Eastern time). I spin old-time and “classic” bluegrass cuts. Only thegreats — Carter Family, Bill Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs, Roy Acuff, TheSkillet Lickers — you get the idea. I also frequent area jams and bluegrassfestivals with my mandolin and fiddle and pretend to be a bluegrassmusician. Mercifully, I don’t sing much. I live in Monroe County, TN, withmy lovely wife, Monica Sutton, and assorted cats and dogs. I earn my livingwriting about the coal industry and electrical utilities for Financial TimesEnergy. This is my second job writing about coal and utilities. My firstcompany folded after I had been there eight years (not my fault!). Neverthought I’d be writing about energy and power plants for this long. Neverthought I’d enjoy it like I do now. My email address [email protected].
Houtz, Jolayne
Seattle, WA
1983-1987, wrote about everything from higher ed to the city of Eugeneto the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
Writing education-enterprise stories at The Seattle Times.
Howlett, Debbie
Chicago IL
[email protected]
Editor, 1983-84; staffer from 1981-83 covering higher ed, the administrationand some sports. But perhaps my favorite memory is the Friday evening editorialboard meeting, usually at Taylor’s, where Doug Nash would inevitably stopsinging Bob Dylan songs with Frank Shaw long enough to impress us all bysticking his entire fist into his mouth, righ t up to the wrist bone.
I am the Midwest correspondent for USA Today, based in Chicago. I’vebeen at USA Today since August 1987. Before that, I worked for three yearsat the Statesman-Journal in Salem, Ore.
Hough, Greg
Donald, OR
[email protected]
I worked for the ODE twice, first as a freelancer in fall 1983. Later Iworked there from January 1988 to December 1989 as a community reporter,entertainment reviewer and freelance contributor. From Nov. ’88 to Dec. ’89I worked simultaneously for the ODE, KUGN Radio and the University NewsBureau. It was a hectic time, to say the least.
I remember the editors had two codewords identifying each story in ourcomputer. The words were: “Those darn…” or “That darn…” If a story wasabout the EMU, the codewords would be “That darn EMU.” If the story wasabout drinking at fraternities, the codewords would be “Those darnfraternities.” This was an ironic in-joke we all shared.
I graduated from the University at the end of 1989. The Cold War ended, andthe ODE got a new computer system. Since then, I’ve written for the MolallaPioneer newspaper, done press releases and co-edited a corporate newsletter.Married to Pamela since 1994, I have two cute and precocious children, andlive in the emerging metropolis of Donald, OR (population 700.)
Silverton, OR
[email protected]
1983…Sports and feature story freelancer until stolen by the OregonCommentator
I’m principal partner of MBM Strategies, a political consulting firmin Salem, OR.In short, I consult and manage political campaign for local,statewide, and federal political office. And it will surprise nobody whoknows me that I work with Republicans!
Portland, Oregon
[email protected]
I worked as a free-lance reporter 1984 to 1986. I covered the Women’sTennis Team for the Sports Editor and learned that I could interview peopleand do a relatively good job turning that interview into a story. Sincethen I’ve worked in Eugene and Portland as a television news producer, reporterand anchor. I’ve stopped to see the current group of Emerald staff whileon stories at the old U of O. Some things never change! Jim Marr KPTV-12,Portland, Oregon
Matassa, Mark
Seattle, WA
[email protected]
I worked at the Emerald from 1979 to 1981, under editors Kathleen Monjeand Ken Sands. I covered student government for one year and was editorialpage editor another year. Those were fun times, and it’s great to catchup with some old friends through thi s site.
I’m a political reporter at the Seattle Times, where I work with my sister(and a former Emerald editor), Michele Matassa Flores. My wife Greta Matassaand I have two wonderful daughters, Gina, 3, and Frances, 1.
Matassa Flores, Michele
Seattle, Wash.
[email protected]
1981-85, Editor the final year, various jobs before that.
I’m now covering Microsoft and high-technology for The Seattle Times.My husband, Manuel, and I have a daughter, Gabriela, born in May 1994.
McFetridge, Scott
Eugene, Ore.
[email protected]
Started as a freelancer in 1983; higher education editor in 1984; community editor in 1985-86.
Have worked the coveted 3 to midnight shift as night city editor at The Register-Guard in Eugene since 1995. Before that, worked seven years at Statesman Journal in Salem.
Morgan, Jeff
[email protected]
Fall ’84 I started as a copy editor and headline boy, then I moved downstairsto Suite 4 and became an ASUO geek for a few years. The real fun was whenI came back in Fall of ’87 and stayed through the great Stan Nelson yearof 87-88. General Assignment reporter, copy editor, student govt. Assoc.Editor. Kelvin Wee mentioned many of the folks whom I remember fondly –it was a good paper, and we had fun putting it out. Fun at the beer garden,fun at Taylors…. As with many staffers, the ODE office w as a home awayfrom home (or maybe sty away from sty). I was delighted to finally get thehell out in ’88 (BA Journalism, advertising emphasis, w/ French minor).Yikes — that’s nearly ten years ago! Reading the entries in this alumniwebsite has been a blast! My thanks to Michele Ross for doing the hard work.
I went into the Journalism School thinking that I wanted to be a “newspaperman,” and I left knowing that I did not. After various advertising/PRjobs (including a year and a half back in Eugene where it was very strangebeing an “adult” as opposed to a slacker student), I landed atthe Portland Rose Festival Association. I sell floats! Actually, I’m SponsorshipManager for not only the Grand Floral Parade, but the multitude of otherevents we put on during the month of June. Basically, I’m the Festival’sAccount Executive. (Yes, its a year-round job. No, I’m not a Royal Rosarian.)Its a fun job, and a great organization. We’re one of the largest civiccelebrations in the world, and a major tourism group just named us the “Toptourist event in the U.S. for 1997.” Pretty cool, considering thatthe Centennial Olympics won that honor last year. When I’m not attachingcorporate names to beloved family events, I still indulge my love of classicalmusic that blossomed when I was a KWAX announcer, and I continue the searchfor Mr. Right. I like Portland, I have good friends, and life is good.
Murray, Jody
worked at the Emerald in ’79-80 and ’80-81.
The first year, I was a sports writer. The second year, I was assistantsports editor. Covered women’s track each year. Graduated summer ’81.
Spent 4 years at Ashland Daily Tidings as sports editor and featureseditor. Since 1985, have been at Reno Gazette-Journal. Currently Sunday/SpecialProjects Editor.
Living in Carson City with wife Diane Gischel, a native of Springfieldand a SOSC graduate. Son Conner turned 2 in March.
70214,[email protected]
Norred, Chris
Seattle, Wash.
[email protected]
1985-87, reporter and associate editor.
After enduring many crappy jobs in many crappy places, I now enjoy coveringKing County government, rural areas, and growth issues, and generally tryingto stir up trouble, at the Valley Daily News near Seattle. My wife Sallyand I live with two cats, Dav e Twardzik and Lionel Hollins, in a decrepitbut cozy 1906 bungalow in the Greenlake neighborhood.
For the rest of Alumni from the 1980s, (O-Z)
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