ASUO Presidential candidate Emma Kallaway will not lose her position on the ASUO Senate after sophomore Caroline Beranek dropped her complaint against the Senate vice president.
Beranek said she had dropped her complaint because of negative press she received.
“I have been antagonized for keeping these public officials in check to the point where media outlets have questioned me about drug abuse,” Beranek wrote in an e-mail sent to the ASUO Constitution Court and Senate. “I am very disappointed that it has come to that point. These allegations against my character are untrue and down right (sic) slanderous.”
Beranek sent the e-mail about an hour and a half before the 6 p.m. hearing. Kallaway said she received a phone call about Beranek’s decision while she was driving and was disappointed by it.
“I wanted the opportunity to defend myself as a student leader on campus,” Kallaway said.
The grievance accused Kallaway of violating eight ASUO rules related to communication. Kallaway maintained her innocence in a response to the grievances and had a case prepared for the Constitution Court hearing.
ASUO Sen. Carina Miller, one of Kallaway’s opponents in the race for ASUO president, said before the campaign that it had been an attempt to damage Kallaway’s big. However, Kallaway said she did not know why it had been filed.
“It hasn’t affected my campaign at all,” Kallaway said.
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