Programs Finance Committee allocations for Jan. 27
Group Name Budget Increase
? Philosophy Club $410 +5.13
? Vietnamese Student Association $9,758 +1.6
? Service Learning Program $9,996 +3.49
? Pi Sigma Alpha $261 -13.5
? Sustainable Advantage $13,419 +26.83
? Survival Center $19,202 +1.04
? Psi Chi $300 *
? International Law Student Association $3,074 +10.26
? Student Bar Association $9,081 +13.78
* Group did not receive ASUO funding last year
Programs Finance Committee Allocations for Jan. 29
? Jewish Student Union $6,965 +2.97
? Student Advocacy & Leadership Association $310 +3.33
? Students for Choice $2,764 +4.66
? Hawaii Club $11,763 +2.57
? Coalition Against Environmental Racism $14,959 +9.97
? Dance Oregon $4,562 +5.48
? Native American Student Union $20,129 +3.07
? ASUO Executive $102,283 +0.8
? Accessib/ABILITY Student Union $300 *
Programs Finance Committee Allocations for Jan. 30
? Students of the Indian Subcontinent $9,911 +6.2
? Forensics $37,590 +0.52
? Panhellenic Council $12,959 +1.52
*Group applying for funding for the first time.
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