I want to clear up a few misunderstandings about the Bike Loan Program presented in Alex Tomchak Scott’s article (“Financial troubles hinder campus, ASUO,” ODE, Feb. 6). First of all, the BLP was not in the ASUO budget for fiscal year 2008-09, so it is inaccurate to say that our services are getting cut. The BLP was funded in spring 2008 by over-realized funds and by a grant from Clif Bar & Company. This funding was for the first year only – a way to see if the program is a good fit for the University campus. Fortunately, there is broad support for the program among students, faculty, staff and programs across campus.
Although it is true that we have not found funding for next year, it does not mean the BLP will cease to exist. The Outdoor Program’s Trip and Rental Facility, the Barn, is being renovated this summer. A part of that renovation includes the Bike Maintenance Shop that houses the BLP and free workspace for students. This renovation was funded in 2006, and this aspect of the program is not contingent on the ASUO or EMU budget. The BLP also just received a grant from the Student Sustainability Fund to incorporate commercial two-tier bicycle racks to store 50 bikes in the Maintenance Shop.
We will be racking our brains with ASUO senators, EMU board members and our staff in the coming weeks to find a solution to fund the BLP’s operating budget for at least next year.
Briana Orr
Bike Loan Program coordinator, University undergraduate
[email protected]