I recently read a piece about a journalism student at the University of Oregon who found resistance of conservative views on campus (“A Vast Disparity,” ODE, 6/1/09).
We all realize the overwhelming percentage of professors are liberal Democrats.
In the discussion of people being discriminated against based on their race, I always ask, where are all the black people with engineering degrees waiting for a job? If you have a degree in African American Studies, you might be as out of a job as someone with a degree in classical literature.
I would ask a similar question in this instance. Where are all the out-of-work conservative professors?
Diversity only happens if those who feel left out join in. Liberals naturally want to remake the world, so hence they teach. Conservatives largely want to make money and serve themselves, hence they become MBAs. Where is the cry for more liberals in corporate board rooms and executive offices? When conservative start lining up to be journalists and college professors, I will be glad to listen to their complaints on the issue.