Jacob West, Junior, Journalism: magazine “Keep your door open in the dorms and go around and visit everyone to make as many new friends as you can.”
Michael Weidrick, Junior, Environmental studies “Don’t turn in laptops, if you checked them out, late, because they’re $20 an hour. Reserved books are a pretty hefty fine as well.”
Lindsey Proudfit, Senior, Family and human services “I first recommend getting involved with campus ministries or any kind of organized sport of activity; it’s a great place to know people, I was involved with (the Collegiate Christian Fellowship). I encourage you to be an individual and to truly master in what you are getting yourself into, master in a program, your interests, loves and coursework. Put a lot of heart into your coursework, for it’s easy to just make the grades or slack off in class, but when you get into the real world you want to do as much as you can and do what you love.”
Josh Damis, Senior, Journalism: advertising and public relations “Do extracurricular activities throughout that relate to whatever career field you’re looking to get into because it’s definitely going to set yourself apart when graduation time comes. While I was here I was part of PRSSA and participated in the National Student Advertising Competition those are both really amazing things to be a part of. I also had an internship with Universal Pictures where I did marketing and public relations. So be on the lookout for any internships or groups that you can be involved with and take advantage of your time here.”
Torsten Staley, Senior, Political science “Get involved. There are so many things to do on campus, from things like marching band to ASUO to tons of different sports clubs and student unions. If you don’t get involved with something you’re going to feel like you’re missing out because your friends will be involved with gay and lesbian advocacy groups or groups within their majors so stay involved, be proactive, and stay on top of your game.”
Seth Baker, Senior, Environmental studies “Utilize the bike routes around Eugene. You can get to the Valley River Center faster by bike than by car; I’ve raced my friends. And use the buses.”
Aaron Nash, Senior, Business administration “You don’t want to develop bad sleeping habits. Go to sleep on time, wake up on time, don’t stay up till 5 a.m.”
Simon Miller, Senior, History “Get some shower shoes.”
Lindsey Stirrat, Senior, Human physiology “Networking in college is good for jobs; be outgoing and meet who you can early on.”
Alisha Wimberly, Senior, Psychology “Networking is essential in college; it’s pretty much what you’re here for. It seems like who you know ends up getting you a job.”
Jason Schnoor, Graduate student, International studies “Get to know your professors because they truly do care about you. Involve yourself in social circles where you can partner up with someone to study.”
Maytham Abdul-Hameed, Arabic instructor Graduated in 2007 with a Masters in Linguistics “Come here, use your time wisely, have some fun and enjoy your college experience.”
Mark Blaine, Journalism professor “Talk to your professors. Get to know them; it’s really really important. You might sit in the back of the class try to slip in and slip out, but if you get to know them face to face and have conversations with them you’ll get a lot more out of your education.”
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‘Take it from me…’
Daily Emerald
July 9, 2009
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