Contest Rules
Download map here. Map available for download starting 09/24.
Get a stamp and a deal/giveaway from each participating business on the map.
Tips on treasure hunt locations tweeted from @dailyemerald each day of the contest.
Contest runs 09/24 – 10/08. Open to University of Oregon students only.
Turn completed map into the Oregon Daily Emerald, EMU Ste. 300, with your name, phone number and UO student ID number on the back.
Winners drawn on 10/09 at Oregon Daily Emerald office. Ad announcing winners will run in Oregon Daily Emerald’s arts & entertainment section, Scene, on 10/16.
Grand Prize: iTouch
Other prizes include (but are not limited to):
$150 towards Oakley sunglasses,$20 credits toward Eugene city parking1 dozen roses$25 gift certificate to the Clothes Horse$50 gift certificate at All Prophets Tattoo$25 gift certificate at Emerald City Comics