Eugene Police Department Weekend Wrap-Up
From midnight Friday, August 7, to noon Sunday, August 9
17 Loud Noise incidents
17 Theft incidents
10 Disorderly Subject incidents
8 Burglary incidents
8 Theft incidents
The Weekend Police Blotter
Incident: Loud Noise
Location: 524 Bushnell Lane
Time: Saturday, Aug. 8, 5:55 a.m.
Description: A caller reported that a neighbor’s rooster had been crowing all morning, which was said to be an ongoing issue.
Incident: Disorderly Subject
Location: 1844 Kincaid St.
Time: Saturday, Aug. 8, 11:08 a.m.
Description: A caller, hiding in a van outside his home, said a man who appeared to be on drugs was sitting on his porch, blocking the caller from entering.
Incident: Burglary
Location: 1055 High St.
Time: Saturday, Aug. 8, 7:38 p.m.
Description: A caller came home from a three-week-long trip to find his computer, golf clubs and Nintendo missing from his house.
Incident: Loud Noise
Location: 3495 Avalon St.
Time: Saturday, Aug. 8, 11:18 p.m.
Description: A caller reported loud noises coming from a neighboring “tweaker house,” and expressed concerns of retaliation.
Incident: Loud Noise
Location: 4170 Quest Dr.
Time: Saturday, Aug. 8, 11:05 p.m.
Description: A caller reported loud screaming coming from his neighbor’s complex, as if two people were watching a sports event on TV. The noise was said to be continuously heard all afternoon.
Incident: Disorderly Subject
Location: Willamette Street and W. 7th Avenue
Time: Saturday, Aug. 8, 11:36 p.m.
Description: An intoxicated couple was found outside of Rock n’ Rodeo with their baby. The mother appeared to be lying in the fetal position on the sidewalk while the father, unable to stand upright, was trying to feed the baby. Shortly after, the man was said to take off his wig and dance on the sidewalk, leaving his baby crying.
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