The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the longest international conflict since World War I, exceeding four decades of war and with no end in sight. Why not? There are many reasons (political, economic, religious), but one is by far more influential and detrimental than all others.
Every year, America generously gives the world about $12 billion (of your taxes) in aid. Half of it goes to Israel! More than two-thirds of that is spent on military weapons, which makes Israel the fifth-largest military power in the world. With that money, we could provide free health care for American children, or four years of free college tuition, or create thousands of jobs during this economic crisis.
Why is Israel America’s biggest ally? First, it’s been part of America’s foreign policy since the oil crisis of the 1970s to maintain military control around the major oil-producing countries in the Middle East (e.g. the endless, manufactured Iraq war). Second, if politicians don’t support Israel, the Israeli lobbies make sure they don’t get reelected, starting by calling them anti-Semites (such as President Jimmy Carter).
On the other hand, since the oil crisis, pro-Israeli political action committees (such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) have contributed more than $45 million to pro-Israeli U.S. congressmen (almost 100 percent of them). If Congress gives Israel $6 billion a year and gets some of it back in the form of Israeli gifts, then aren’t congressmen paying themselves bonuses (with your taxes)?
In 2005, Israel pulled out the 8,000 settlers from Gaza – making it sound like a huge gesture for peace – only to move the settlers to the West Bank, and it did so only after getting the U.S. Congress’ approval to pay for the entire costs of moving the settlers: an additional $3 billion (of your taxes). This year, right before Obama took office, Israel invaded Gaza for three weeks, killing about 1,500 Palestinians – one-third of them children (under 14). Thirteen Israelis died, all of them soldiers. Obama’s only official comment was, “There’s only one president at a time.”
According to the United Nations, Israel is in violation of countless international laws, including military occupation of Palestinian land, bulldozing homes, building illegal settlements and blocking access to medical supplies. Over the years, more than 40 U.N. resolutions were drafted against Israel, all vetoed by America – the only supporter of Israel among almost 200 U.N. members. By the way, I’m referring to governments, not people. There are many Israeli and Jewish groups, in Israel and America, opposing the occupation and the American support to Israel.
I’m an American living in America, so I’m not going to debate who’s right and wrong between Palestinians and Israelis, or Muslims and Jews, and I’m not going to quote any news networks. That’s what we created the U.N. for. However, I know that my taxes are supporting American weapons given to Israel to kill Palestinians, occupy their land and destroy their homes. I know America is the only supporter of Israel in the U.N. I know these are the primary causes of promoting hatred among Arabs against Americans.
There’s one certain solution to bring peace to this conflict: replacing America’s foreign oil with local green electricity. It would change our long overdue foreign policy, dramatically reducing terrorism and improving our security, not to mention reducing our dependency on foreign oil, which also carries huge economic and environmental benefits.
My fellow Americans: Wake up, rely on your logic (not the manufactured media), don’t judge people you know little about, and tell your congressmen, “Your job is to represent me. I know you’re not anti-Semitic, and I won’t let foreign lobbyists influence my decision to reelect you.” My fellow Ducks: Take the two UO courses on this conflict, and join this cool UO project:
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