Thursday, March 2: Ducks After Dark: ‘La La Land’ at EMU Redwood Ballroom (1395 University St.), doors at 8:15 p.m, movie at 9 p.m., free for UO students with I.D.
If you haven’t seen best picture award winning film (just kidding) “La La Land” yet, now is your time! Ducks After Dark will be showing the movie at the EMU. “La La Land” follows a jazz musician (played by Ryan Gosling) and an actress (played by Emma Stone) as they fall in love in Los Angeles. With whimsical musical numbers and themes of fame and love, the movie is a tribute to musical movies of the past. From the opening number on a LA highway to the colorful costumes, “La La Land” is sure to make your Thursday night that much more musical. Come early for karaoke and a performance by University of Oregon a capella group Mind the Gap.
-Sararosa Davies
Read about the Oscar awards shenanigans here.
Thursday, March 2 to Sunday, March 5: 35th Annual Public Interest Enviormental Law Conference at the UO Law School (1515 Agate St.), free
Hosted by Land Air Water and the University of Oregon Law School, the 35th annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference strives to unite and educate activists, students and professionals who are passionate about environmental justice. The four-day conference includes keynote speakers such as Dr. Stanley Love, active astronaut and planetary scientist, as well as Dr. Robert Pyle, prominent lepidopterist and founder of the Xerces Society. A diverse blend of expert panel sessions will also be featured, including a discussion about a new line of pesticides, neonics and the effect these substances might have on surrounding ecosystems. Attendants will also have the chance to participate in various workshops related to the topics covered in the conference.
Before attending, make sure to register online at:
-Franklin Lewis
Friday, March 3: Taming Test Anxiety at 72 Prince Lucien Campbell (1415 Kincaid St.), 2 p.m., free
Beat the stress of finals by learning test anxiety relief strategies. Offered by the University of Oregon Teaching and Learning Center, this de-stress seminar will provide students with tips on managing stress and studying effectively. For students who are seeking to improve other study habits like over-procrastination or grammar, this workshop is one of many offered by the teaching and learning center. The hour-long workshop is free to all students and is a great way to start finals preparation off right.
For more information, visit:
-Kara Thompson
Saturday, March 4: Saturday Market at the Bijou (492 E 13th Ave.), 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., free, all ages
The Bijou Art Cinemas presents a Saturday Market-inspired experience with a variety of tastes and talents of Eugene accompanied with a live performance from the Neon Bandits. Enjoy a day at the Saturday Market through the artistic lense of the Bjiou while snacking on local must-haves. Some of the locally vendored infused flavor includes the breakfast delight Off the Waffle, colorful Voodoo Doughnuts, trendy D.I.Y. Tea & Beyond and more. While you groove to the live band and satisfy your morning taste buds, you can also visit a variety of local shops and activities all within a 10-minute walk from campus.
For more information, visit the Bijou Art Cinema website.
-Cassie Brady
Wednesday, March 8: Color Brave Campus Dialogue at Lillis Business Complex (955 E. 13th Ave.), 6 p.m., free
This Wednesday, learn what it means to be color brave. Presented by UO’s PwC, the Color Brave Campus Dialogue offers an opportunity to partake in candid conversations about race, perspective, experience and culture. The event aims to empower students, faculty and anyone on campus by coming together in hopes of cultivating a more supporting and understanding community. PwC believes that addressing the uncomfortable issues at hand is the first step in achieving a completely inclusive culture, not only on our campus but beyond.
Attendees will observe clips of relevant dialogue, such as Mellody Hobson’s moving TED Talk “Color Blind or Color Brave?” The ultimate goal is to increase understanding and establish a network that will carry these important conversations into the future.
Visit the UO Events Calendar for more information.
-Carleigh Oeth
Things to do this week: March 2-8: ‘La La Land,’ Environmental Law Conference, taming test anxiety, Saturday Market at the Bijou, Color Brave Campus Dialogue
Cassandra Brady
March 1, 2017
Ryan Gosling (Sebastian) and Emma Stone (Mia) blow away audiences with their performances in hit movie ‘La La Land.’ (Courtesy of ‘La La Land’ official site)
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