UPDATE: 4:30 p.m. — Athletic department spokesman Craig Pintens confirmed both Tristen Wallace and Darrian Franklin were suspended by former UO coach Mark Helfrich in October and remain suspended. Oregon wide receiver Tristen Wallace is under criminal investigation by the University of Oregon Police Department and is being investigated by UO …
The Eugene Police Department warned of a “rash” of recent burglaries near campus in a news release Tuesday morning. According to EPD, there have been six burglaries in the past month, all of which occurred while sleeping UO students were home.
The most recent string occurred on April 7, in student housing off E. 19th Avenue between Harris and Emerald streets, a few blocks away from the rec fields. There were three burglaries that night according to EPD, and all shared the same characteristics: the intruders entered through unlocked front or back doors, the victims were all sleeping UO students, and Macbook computers were stolen.
Three campus-area burglaries also occurred between 3:40 and 7 a.m. on March 11. These occurred off E. 19th Ave., between Potter Street and Agate Street. Once again, the suspects entered through unlocked doors, sleeping residents were home, and computers were stolen.
Police urge residents to lock their doors and windows and make sure garage door openers are in a safe spot.
“Keep an eye out for your neighbors and report any suspicious activity to the proper authorities,” EPD spokeswoman Melinda Mclaughlin wrote.
Call EPD at 541-682-5111 to report suspicious activity.
Follow Jack Pitcher on Twitter @jackpitcher20.