Few principles are as deeply embedded in our campus culture as the ideal of independence. As Ducks, we are independent thinkers, and we value leaders who are true to the University’s identity.
The ongoing campus elections represent an opportunity for University students to once again stand up for independence and to support progress above politics. As independent candidates, we are not running on a common label but on a diverse range of platforms. We are united, however, in our vision of student government that prioritizes student interests effectively and supports strong student voice and civic engagement, and commits to
inclusive consensus-based decision-making.
The ASUO slate system encourages an electoral process in which consolidated political power overshadows substantive issue-based debate. As independent candidates, we stand in solidarity with each other and with ASUO executive candidates Amelie Rousseau and Maneesh Arora in promoting campaigning that speaks to issues at the heart of student life on this campus. Our campaigns incorporate the Oregon legacy of independent thought, and we ask you to vote for candidates based on their individual leadership, not their
catchphrase affiliation.
In this election, all students have the opportunity to express their independence by voting for candidates who run on the issues. All students have the opportunity to support student leaders who will represent the best interests of all students and all campus communities. We urge students to choose independent leadership over slate politics and to vote for open, pragmatic and independent leadership.
Vote today on DuckWeb for independent Senate candidates, and vote for Amelie and Maneesh for ASUO Executive.
Ben Eckstein
Senate Seat 8 and Vice Chair, Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee
Kamal Ararso
Senate Seat 15 and Chair, Programs Finance Committee
Diara Melendez
Senate Seat 7
Dylan Scandalios
Senate Seat 3