Kelsey Jarone
Desired position: Seat 1Major, year in school, age: International studies, sophomore, 19Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
KJ: The Three-C includes expanding APS and DDS. We would like to establish a larger student sustainability fund and an inclusive calendar of events, having a spirit week and bringing in more of a cohesive community that way.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
KJ: I’m passionate and I’m energetic. I want to make the ASUO not reactive but proactive. I’m going to think outside the incidental fee and outside my Senate seat.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the incidental fee?
KJ: I’m excited to work with student programs. It’s crucial that programs have a say in where student fee dollars are going.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
KJ: Programs can also engage in this dialogue with students to assess their needs. As a member of the PFC, I would help facilitate that dialogue.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
KJ: Off-campus conferences such as the Northwest Student Leadership Conference, which I attended, are highly beneficial. To responsibly fund those conferences is a critical part of the job of being a senator and also being a PFC member.
Laura Hinman
Desired position: Seat 2Major, year in school, age: English, freshman, 18Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
LH: We would like to not increase the incidental fee and make more student tickets available. Our campaign wants to outreach to all students.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
LH: I’m currently sitting as Seat 3. I’ve been an ASUO intern. I’m a good listener.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
LH: We should not increase the incidental fee. The purpose is to help students and it should go to programs. We need to start spending it responsibly.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
LH: Ensure that money is being put into programs that have a lot of students and outreach toward students. We’re going to ensure that new programs on campus get funded.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
LH: Students should fund conferences; however, that’s not always a reality. It’s reasonable for them to come to Senate if they make an effort to fund it themselves.
Erin Altman
Desired position: Seat 3Major, year in school, age: International Studies and German, junior, 19Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
EA: My platform centers around the desire to lobby for the University administration to pick up the incidental fee. We would like to get OSPIRG off campus. We also are interested in continuing the LTD bus service the 24-hour library.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
EA: In high school, I held a where I allocated funds for the different travel opportunities we had. I acted as a finance representative for the Barnhart-Riley complex.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
EA: The incidental fee is too large for students today. The incidental fee is essential, but could be smaller, because there are so many other things students are being charged with.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
EA: Programs need to reach students better. Programs could also allow students to become more involved with their community.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
EA: They should definitely try to raise at least 50 percent of their off-campus conference funding through fundraisers or other means of being sponsored.
Janet Brooks
Desired position: Seat 4Major, year in school, age: Undeclared, junior, 20Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
JB: The biggest thing that we’re about is responsible spending. A couple of the things we hope to do with that are protecting our contract with LTD and increasing tickets for football games.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
JB: I sit on the EMU Board. I also am a member of Kappa Delta, so I definitely know a lot about campus and what’s going on.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
JB: I think it’s unfortunate that the student incidental fee is so high that students pay nearly $600 every year, but I also know there’s not a lot of ways that we can cut that.
ODE: How should the EMU change when and if plans to renovate or rebuild it go ahead?
JB: The biggest thing is to get as much feedback as possible, to really promote it in a lot of places. We’re raising money to install a variable frequency drive, which cuts energy costs, like, huge in the EMU.
ODE: What can the EMU do to make more money?
JB: We are down right now in food services, and we think that’s mostly because of the economy. One of the things we suggested was installing a bar or pub in the EMU.
Brennan Lowes
Desired position: Seat 1Major, year in school, age: Business, senior, 21Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
BL: We feel that we can extend the opportuntity for more student tickets and make all programs and opportunities in the EMU accessible for all students.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
BL: I’m a member of Greek Life, which has given me a lot of o
pportunities to get involved. I was vice president of community service on the Interfraternity Council.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
BL: It’s necessary. Unfortunately it’s been rising. We can stay with what it’s at and find creative ways to fund obligations.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
BL: If we can work to make students aware of all the opportunities throughout campus, in introductory packets for freshmen, that can be a big way to spread the word.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
BL: I can’t answer that directly, but I do know that I support Reality Check’s stance on this and I’d have to look it up.
Jack Stephens
Desired position: Seat 1Major, year in school, age: Economics, junior, 21Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
JS: We want fiscal responsibility and transparency, to make the ASUO more accessible to all students, to improve the environmental stability.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
JS: I have good leadership qualities, and I’m also able to think really analytically. Experience-wise, the biggest thing would be Constitution Team.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
JS: Its purpose is to cover general things that come up around campus. I would say it’s at a good size. I really couldn’t make a definite position on it.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
JS: I just want to make sure I explain everything to each program that seeks financing, and clarify things for everyone.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
JS: If it’s a learning experience that’s beneficial to the school, it’s acceptable to get financing, although I’d push that they use that experience for the school.
Emma Newman
Desired position: Seat 3Major, year in school, age: Music, freshman, 18Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
EN: I really want to see an increase in funding for APS and DDS and more bike racks on campus. More recruitment by programs would be great.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
EN: I initiated the Climate Justice League and a high school sustainability team. I’m a dedicated person and love what I do.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
EN: The fact that the ASUO has so much money to work with is great. It can broaden the experience of learning here.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
EN: ASUO should set up a calendar that incorporates all the events on campus. It would be great to put an ASUO survey in the DuckWeb course evaluations, because ASUO could get in touch with students.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
EN: If they are going to a conference to get training to enrich lives of other students, that’s a great idea.
Justin Schultz
Desired position: Senate seat 3Major, year in school, age: Political science and history, sophomore, 19Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
JS: We want to responsibly grow funding for programs, sort of the status quo we did this year with the PFC. OSPIRG is an essential part of this campus. Programs such as DDS and APS should be funded adequately.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
JS: This year, I was the PFC vice chair. I’m part of Greek Life. The PFC next year is going to need leadership, and I’m the only candidate that would provide that.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
JS: It’s adequate where it is right now. If there’s a program that does not show responsibility and need, it should not be increased above current service level.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
JS: There should be greater correspondence between PFC members and programs. Programs need to know what is expected of them better.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
JS: I would think that for a program to receive funding for conferences, they would need to show that that event is going to benefit campus as a whole in the long run.
Dylan Scandalios
Desired position: Seat 3Major, year in school, age: Business, junior, 19Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
DS: I do not have a platform. I am running by myself independently. I did not get on a slate. I don’t really like being controlled by other people. I think I could focus my talents better if I just go out on my own. I have some pretty cool campaigning things coming up soon. I want to get the students involved. Right now I don’t think a lot of the student body is involved and I know that a lot of them do want to be involved, but they don’t know a lot of the programs that are out there for them. What I want to do is get the programs out there, continue funding the ones that need funding, and continue seeking out people in the student body to go into these programs
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
DS: As a business major, I am good with numbers. I love numbers, and in high school I worked as a secretary and treasurer on the Zonta club, which is for the furtherment of women in society, and fundraised. It grossed over $100,000, which all went to charity. I ran for Mr. Crescent Valley High School, and raised over $4,500, and personally put on a battle of the bands and personally grossed $1,300 in one night.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
DS: The student incidental fee is very necessary. There are certain qualities of it that need changing. There are things that need to be fixed because I don’t th
ink that money is being adequately used. I think there is a little bit of frivolous spending. I think with just a little tweaking, the incidental fee could be very powerful and used greatly towards programs in the ASUO.
ODE: What should the PFC do to enhance the ability of ASUO programs to serve students?
DS: These big programs like the Black Student Union, which have large budgets, just giving them $1,000 isn’t going to change the world. Giving a smaller program maybe $1,000, or even, like, $400, that would completely change their budget, maybe double it. That would make the University more united and bring more students into the programs.
ODE: Under what circumstances should students receive ASUO funding to participate in off-campus conferences?
DS: I’m going to dodge that question just because I want to say that I’m excited to be running for the ASUO.
Sarah Lazzeroni
Desired position: Seat 4Major, year in school, age: Sociology and political science, junior, 20Criminal activity charges: none
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
SL: We’re running on environmental responsibility, becoming carbon-neutral by 2050, making ASUO more accessible to all students, and fiscal transparency.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
SL: I work at the Jaqua Center as a tutor. I’m a peer advisor with the sociology department working with a bunch of different people.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
SL: Currently, the incidental fee is at a good rate. It needs to be allocated better, to programs that will benefit the majority of students instead of certain groups only, so all students know where it’s going and know they’re being benefitted by it. More environmental programs, just getting it put more towards that.
ODE: How should the EMU change when and if plans to renovate or rebuild it go ahead?
SL: A big thing would be making it more environmentally friendly, making sure the products that are used to build the EMU or renovate it are up to code, that they’re going to benefit campus as a whole, and making the EMU a little more user-friendly I guess.
ODE: What can the EMU do to make more money?
SL: Allowing people to, when they do bring forth their proposals for money or office spaces, see that it’s useful to be part of the EMU, and that will create a bigger attraction for the EMU and bring more revenue.
Ryan Riddick
Desired position: Seat 4Major, year in school, age: Philosophy, sophomore, 19Criminal activity charges: None
ODE: Briefly explain your platform.
RR: I mostly am interested in the EMU Board. I would like it to cater to all students and faculty and any member that uses it as a major resource. I feel that with the new renovations coming up, I feel like student voices are important and should be heard and I feel that the EMU should accommodate for all unions and groups that call the EMU home.
ODE: What qualities and experience qualify you for the position you’re seeking?
RR: I don’t have a lot of experience, but I am a member of the LGBTQA and a lot of other unions down in the EMU basement. I feel like I have sat in the offices and I feel like the spaces are too small and so I feel like the rennovations should really accommodate for their space, and hopefully give them room to grow as a union and group.
ODE: What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
RR: I actually don’t know a lot about the student incidental fee, but I feel like, if there’s an issue, students should know where their money goes and know how it’s used and should be well educated on it. That way there wouldn’t be many issues.
ODE: How should the EMU change when and if plans to renovate or rebuild it go ahead?
RR: I feel like it should just be a more inclusive space, something that students will use more of, something that is very accommodating to everybody. I feel like everybody should have a say in what the EMU is going to look like and maybe more groups can join, more unions, more activities. I feel like the EMU can be opened up and expanded a lot more as far as programs and unions.
ODE: What can the EMU do to make more money?
RR: I feel like there are some programs that are not really bringing in profit and maybe they should be reevaluated and maybe new programs could be brought in, maybe more activities for students, more fundraising. I just feel like the EMU’s a big space and activities mean a lot, and I feel like it would be a good thing for the EMU to have those activities and more opportunities to make money.