Requirements: Applicants need sufficient physical strength to haul a bike trailer filled with newspapers quickly enough to complete their distribution route in two hours. Self motivation is needed as well as a tremendous sense of responsibility to the Emerald’s readers.
Hours: Fall, Winter & Spring: Mon-Fri, 6:00-8am, Summer (one issue per week): Monday during summer session; Thursday or Friday for preseason games.
There are two campus routes that require insert clean up. This is done on foot and takes about 1 hour. The schedule varies as preprinted inserts are scheduled into the paper randomly. Insert clean-up time is flexible between 11am-1pm on the day the insert is in the paper. We do not generally have inserts during summer session.
Five times per year we also distribute Emerald Magazine. This special project involves 4-6 hours of extra work, delivering to places other than our daily routes. Schedules are set individually for each magazine.
Description: There are 25-30 locations on each of the distribution routes. Two routes are on or within a couple blocks of campus. One route goes out to student housing near Autzen Stadium and along Franklin Blvd. The fourth is mostly downtown Eugene. Papers must be delivered in a timely manner and the boxes must be kept clean in appearance. The number of prior issues left on the stands and recycled must be monitored in order to ensure minimal waste and maximum distribution for our readers.
Daily Emerald
March 14, 2010
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