The recent opinions of our University promoted by the Emerald have made me very sad. Every time I open the newspaper (which will now be rarely) I read a depressing attack on our University system without offering any reasonable solution.
The opinion page has become a forum for journalism majors to whine like children. I appreciate real, honest critiques built on a well-thought-out opinion, but whining is
not journalism.
The two specific examples were the recent articles on “devaluing education,”(“The devaluation of education,” ODE, May 21) and the unnecessary attack on the fraternity system (“Top 10 List,” May 18). First, if you are so upset about your education, then do something about it. Traveling abroad, joining a club and drinking the pain away are just a few examples. I bet if you found the time to actually talk to your professors, you would realize that they are infinitely smarter than we are and picking their brains is worth the effort. Hell, if you are really desperate, join one of those fraternities you are too cool for.
Speaking of fraternities, what the hell was that bullshit the Emerald pulled a few days ago? I am no frat boy and actually make a conscious effort to avoid them, but I do not believe myself better than them. I am just different. Greek Life is not for me, but that does not mean that those who enjoy Greek Life should be treated with such disrespect. That was not journalism, just petty middle school bullshit.
Thank you, Emerald, for making me realize that if I want to meet open, intelligent and friendly people, I would have better luck attending a frat party than an Emerald staff party. I plan on enjoying my education. I plan on blaming no one but myself for my problems, most importantly I plan on being friendly to everyone, fraternity or not. Emerald, if you feel like graduating from middle school and want to start approaching issues in an intelligent manner, apologizing to the fraternity system might be a good start.
[email protected]