Wait, swimming?
A British endurance swimmer recently became the first person to swim under the summit of Mount Everest. Forty-year-old Lewis Pugh, the “Human Polar Bear,” also holds the world record for the coldest water a human has ever swum in. Pugh swam the one kilometer across Pumori Lake in 22 minutes and 51 seconds. The environmentalist did so to raise awareness of melting glaciers, but there had to have been a warmer way.
Shake, shake, shake
Scientists have discovered a species of frog whose males gyrate their hindquarters to assert their dominance. The red-eyed treefrogs, natives of Panama, begin to dance in a process known as tremulation, which sends their body into spasms and shakes the branch they are resting on until the tremors reach its opponent. The shakes are meant to display the power of the dancing frog, including its overall size. Scientists had originally missed the dancing frogs because they are nocturnal and all studies had been done using white artificial light. When they traveled to the rainforests and used infrared lights, they saw the equivalent of a tropical night club. Apparently frogs, like humans, let loose only when it’s dark.
Of mice and men
President Obama was delivering a speech on Wall Street reform on Thursday outside the Oval Office when a small rodent passed within inches of the most powerful man in the world. It was unclear whether Obama noticed the creature, as he concluded his speech a few minutes later and returned into the White House. Meanwhile, reporters were left scratching their heads and wondering, was it a rat or a mouse or what? “I would partially rule out rat,” wildlife biologist Russell Link said. He later said it was probably a vole.
Wondering what all the buzz was about? In Minnesota, a semitrailer carrying 17 million bees in 7,000 hives was involved in a four-vehicle crash, releasing the honeybees. In order to keep them under control, fire crews sprayed them with fire hoses, all while getting stung. It is unknown how many bees escaped, but all lanes were open by that evening. You didn’t hear it from us, though, it’s really none of our beeswax.
Chicken suits banned
In Nevada, chicken suits were added to the list of banned items within 100 feet of polling places. The measure was taken after protesters wore the suits in ridicule toward Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden. The ridicule was directed at her comments about people bartering with doctors for medical care, like when “our grandparents would bring a chicken to the doctor.”
Man bites man over dog
In New City, N.Y., a man bit another man during a fight over a couple of dogs at a park. One man didn’t like the way their pets were playing in a dog park, and once the brawl started a third man attempted to break up the fight. Subsequently, he was bitten on the wrist by one of the dog owners.
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Wednesday’s wild and weird
Daily Emerald
May 25, 2010
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