Many students have little knowledge of the inner workings of the ASUO and the various opportunities the ASUO presents to students looking to become involved in the culture and decision-making of the University campus. Additionally, students have little knowledge of how their incidental fee money is spent. I am new to the Senate and have realized not only how little I knew before, but how little my friends know of how their money is used.
Even today, many students do not know what the incidental fee is. The incidental fee, known as the “i-fee,” is a approximately $195 fee every student pays each term that goes to fund student programs, part of the EMU operations, athletic tickets, LTD bus passes and many other services on campus. It is important that senators have a strong relationship with the student body, which can only be fostered if direct lines of communication occur. I strongly encourage students to come into the ASUO between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and talk to your student senators and executive staff members.
Half of the Senate is elected according to academic major; these senators are literally elected to serve various constituencies. They are your advocates. Even if the senator is not your designated representative, any senator would be happy to hear your concerns and answer any questions.
Additionally, our student body president, vice president and executive staff are here to answer your questions or concerns. Questions like: What is the “i-fee?” What is the deal with student tickets? What are some opportunities to get involved with the ASUO and the campus decision-making process? Is my money paying for single-use water bottles? The ASUO office is a little scary to walk into — a bunch of nameless faces all busy talking with each other or busy doing work. No reason to be scared though, as these are your peers, and they are here to serve your interests.
[email protected]
ASUO an excellent, if unused, student resource
Daily Emerald
February 16, 2010
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