There are huge problems in the world — global warming, the rising cost of health care, consumer rip-offs, an economic crisis and more. OSPIRG was started at the University to give students a vehicle with which to solve those problems. By combining the energy of students with the expertise and continuity of a professional staff of advocates and organizers, OSPIRG has been a force behind accomplishments such as our land use system, Lemon Law, Citizens Utility Board, toxic chemical disclosure and cleanup programs, recycling standards, Motor Voter, Clean Car standards, protections from predatory lending and privacy invasion, and Oregon’s recent landmark effort to control skyrocketing health care costs.
We want an OSPIRG chapter at the UO. Unfortunately, on Wednesday night the ACFC voted to provide zero funding for OSPIRG. This was an extreme decision, suggesting that the committee saw no merit in students playing a role in solving huge problems in the world.
Although OSPIRG provided all of the materials and information the committee asked for, ACFC never clearly articulated a reason to not fund OSPIRG, except a vague sense of uncertainty. We think this was irresponsible of the members of the committee who voted against OSPIRG, and we call on the ASUO to reject the committee’s decision and fund OSPIRG, so that we can continue this incredible program.
Amelie Rousseau
ASUO Events Coordinator
Jeremy Blanchard
ASUO Senator
Lidiana S. Morales
Co-Director, Multicultural Center
Katherine Philipson
Students for Global Health Co-Founder
Tessa Barker
Climate Justice League
Emma Newman
Climate Justice League
Jill Torres
Diversity Coordinator for the Women’s Center
Travis Prinslow
Climate Justice League
[email protected]
ACFC shows lack of responsibility for not funding OSPIRG; ASUO should reject decision
Daily Emerald
February 21, 2010
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