The search for energy production has become so frantic that people are reconsidering using radioactive uranium to boil water, heating great quantities of our already over-used water to turn turbines to provide electric power so more people can acquire more gadgets.
Within the past century, our society has only become more adept at accelerating entropy. We are converting anything that contains stored and potential energy for silly and destructive purposes.
Locally, the people’s elected and appointed representatives are not objecting to the 19th century idea of burning wood (waste?) to heat water to turn turbines to produce more electricity, but, of course, we have to disguise what it really is because that doesn’t sound “green.” Biomass sounds “green,” and it is according to my 1975 Webster’s unabridged dictionary. Biomass refers to “the total mass or amount of living organisms in a particular area or volume.” So the word “biomass” is flipped and co-opted — a specialty of corporate exploiters of the natural world.
Sad thing is, much of the public is so easily suckered.
In nature, there is no waste. Maintaining soil requires biological material, but the power mad want to incinerate biological material for heat and air pollution. In other words, they would remove carbon from the soil, where we need it and put it in the air, where we don’t need it.
We need more power they say, so go watch stupid football games on TV.
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