Last night our ASUO senators failed us. An elected official’s duty is to represent and listen to their constituents.
I went to the Senate meeting last night along with more than 13 students, one staff member and the dean of students, who came to speak about the proposed smoking ban.
There were more students than there were senators. When that many people show up to speak, it means they care about the topic and need to be heard.
Senate denied a motion to continue discussion on the smoking ban after only 20 minutes, though over 30 people had something to say.
Not a single non-ASUO student was listened to.
Essentially the decision to prevent us from speaking was an illustration that they don’t care what the student body has to say (or the faculty, for that matter).
On a personal level, I drove more than 100 miles, sacrificed family time and spent two hours preparing what I had to say. All I wanted was for my senators to listen for two minutes.
What happened last night was wrong.
The ASUO senators are there because we elected them to represent us. It is imperative that students voices be heard.
This needs to be a deep value of every senator. Our senators need to start listening.
[email protected]
Letter: Senators fail to represent students
Daily Emerald
October 28, 2010
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