There is a lot of discussion about the riot incident the weekend before school, a lot of blame thrown around at those who don’t deserve it and a lot of defense given to those who didn’t earn it.
I do not claim the Eugene Police Department sent the best message possible in such a case, but all things considered, I would not shun or point fingers at them for anything they did. I empathize with the ones who got shot by rubber bullets; I know just how they feel. I understand the strain of those who were innocent bystanders being interrogated about drinking or drugs. But let’s stop identifying details of the issue that point accusation toward those who “serve and protect.”
There were about 400 students at the center of the incident — many who were drinking. What exactly is the best option for dispersing the scene? The EPD wanted intimidation; they wanted display, for the base psychological reason to disperse the group mentality.
And look at the result: two rubber bullets, less than a dozen actual arrests (mostly minors in possession) and a few personal egos deflated. In Erik Gundersen’s comment, “I was under the impression their duty was to serve and protect … the night before the incident … police observed, but (made no) attempt to break it up.” Is this comment meant to imply that police don’t care about maintaining order? Yet when they do, we’re quick to blame them for doing it wrong. It is incompetent to hold a double standard of expectations. Do you want them to interfere or not? Benjamin Franklin has given a few good words on the matter, including observations that with protection comes discomfort.
It’s time to grow up and stop whining to others like a child to their parents. Yes, they used tear gas. It’s not very enjoyable. And yes, innocent people were quarantined. But until people can start offering solutions along with disputes, or support to their claims, pointing the finger of fault only clouds the issue with liberal portions of bureaucracy and prevents any standard being held out of fear of appealing to everyone’s demands.
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