Fatty’s Big Fat Launch Party
Story by Catie Keck
Photos by Sarah Payne
As you walk into WOW Hall, you are greeted by the sounds of a screeching guitar solo and the unbounded accompanying drums of two bearded men on stage. They are Explode-A-Tron, a melt-your-face experimental metal band comprised of Jeffery- Tron (vocals/guitar) and Jeremy-Tron (drums). They are the first of four local bands including Parade of Storms, Mascot, and Point Zero Eight featured this Saturday, June 26, at Fatty’s Big Fat Launch Party – the concert release celebration of a quarterly mix CD of local music by Josh Finch.
This is the first concert promoting the compilation discs of Eugene music released approximately every three months. Josh, in addition to working at The Horsehead, does vocals for Point Zero Eight. As a musician himself, he said of his compilations, “Between 25-35 percent of our patrons [at Horsehead] are musicians or artists. A lot of these people aren’t doing anything with their art – or, more so, don’t have the tools to properly promote their band, or don’t know how. The scene here isn’t terribly big in terms of places to play. There’s a lot of music here, but there’s a lot of division.”
Josh notes that many local bands aren’t sure where to start, where to play, or how to attract audiences. His mix CDs provide a way to raise awareness about Eugene’s music scene, and he hopes that his concert release parties will do the same. “I’d like to do a launch for every disc as it comes out. Do exclusively local bands; ideally, local bands that aren’t playing on a really regular basis – for a few reasons: one, because they need the exposure, and secondly, because those shows will have a good turn out. Everyone’s friends want to see them play their first big show.”
Josh is far preceded by his reputation as one of the most prominent, driving forces for Eugene’s local music scene. In response to this, he modestly replies, “I feel like that sort of just speaks volumes about the lack of direction in the local music scene. There’s lots and lots of talent, but no one’s taking the reins. I may not be the most equipped, but I’m interested in doing it.”
Jeffery-Tron (of Explode-A-Tron) says of his fellow musician, “I think this is one of the first steps in something Josh is trying to do to make people more aware of local music. I think he’s doing a great job and I think what he’s doing is very necessary. I’m stoked he’s doing what he does, cause it’s helping a lot of local artists out. If he keeps at it, it’s going to snowball into something really cool.”
If all goes according to plan, Josh expects his next compilation disc to be released some time around July 15 (Josh funds the discs so they’re released accordingly). Josh also encourages any local bands, or anyone with “the good shit” to submit their music for his mix CDs. He’s open to all genres and music styles, so long as they’re located in Eugene.
Be sure to keep an eye out for Josh’s upcoming compilation discs and future release parties!