Climb Every Mountain
Guest Blog and Photos by Tina Freeman
On my last Saturday in Paderno del Grappa a group and I decided to climb Mount Grappa. How we got this idea into our heads is beyond me. In someway it seemed a fitting metaphor for my Italian journey. Studying abroad was an adventure just the same as the one I was about to attempt.
Eleven other students and I headed out at 10 a.m. to conquer the beast. The terrain was rough and rocky, and the incline the entire time was straight up. The “trail” was a pathetic excuse for a path. The whole time I couldn’t look up; that would have been a treacherous mistake. It took us about two-and-a-half hours to get to a plateau where we decided that it was time for a lunch break. From here we could finally see the restaurant and war memorial at the top of the mountain.
Only three of my friends and I decided to move on and make it all the way to the top. Why, I wondered, in the world would you climb for so long and put your body through a burning sensation of agony only to reach a plateau? The four of us continued our journey through much rockier terrain and snow that was up to my knees. The snow soaked my socks and shoes but I made it to the highest point of the mountain. Once there, we celebrated with what else? Shots of Grappa.
I never pictured myself as someone who could say they climbed a mountain. I also never thought I’d reach my elusive dream of living in my family’s homeland of Italy. Both experiences taught me that when you start a momentous trip you don’t know what to expect. Along the way there are times where you’re tired, times when you’re thrilled, times to laugh, times to cry, and times where you won’t believe your eyes. All of it, however, will be a memory that you could not have prepared for. At the end of my program in Italy I was filled with a great sense of pride for what I accomplished, an admiration for the people I met, and a complete love of travel. Just like at the top of the mountain, I couldn’t believe the places my own two legs had taken me.
Read more stories from study abroad students in our Spring 2010 series, Blogs from Abroad.
Tina Freeman is currently finishing up her junior year at the University of Oregon as a Public Relations major. She grew up in Portland and attended high school in Forest Grove. She has been studying abroad in the small northern Italian town of Paderno del Grappa for both Winter and Spring 2010. Tina has been fortunate enough trek to amazing places throughout Italy and Europe. Check out her blog or follow her on Twitter.