(Kelly Kondo/Emerald)
Spotlight on Science horizontal podcast graphic
Ever wonder how many slaps it takes to cook a chicken? Yeah, we didn’t until this point either. Emerald news reporter Franklin Lewis and science writer Becky Hoag talk about the latest in science news and research, including:
– The recent Public Interest Environmental Law Conference that took place at UO and upcoming TED Talks on campus
– Last week’s snow and how weather extremes play into climate change
– How many slaps it takes to cook a chicken
Becky’s articles: “TEDxUOregon is back on campus,” “Annual environmental law conference (PIELC) looks for common ground amidst hard environmental times”
Find a guide to watching the TEDxUOregon livestream here.
Spotlight on Science is a series from the Emerald Podcast Network designed to spark conversations across disciplines with researchers at the University of Oregon, bringing in researchers to discuss their work in a way that is understandable to everyone.
Podcast Editor Ryan Nguyen produced this podcast, Associate Podcast Editor Sararosa Davies edited. Music is “Zombie Disco” by Six Umbrellas.