Kaulana Dilliner
What are you proud to have been involved with at UO?
I am proud of my involvement in Fraternity & Sorority Life. Previously, I was Philanthropy Chair for my Fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega, to being Secretary currently. I am also a Representative for my Chapter in Junior Greek Council and Recruitment Counselor for the Interfraternity Council. I am also proud of my involvement in Residence Life. I am currently a Resident Assistant and will continue to be one next year. I am also proud to be chosen as Philanthropy Chair for the Pacific Affiliate College & University Residence Hall Conference that is coming up this Fall. I am also proud of my involvement in multiple advisory boards for the school, including the Dean of Students Board, Career Center Board, and Student Recreation Center Board. Last but not least, I am proud of my involvement in Teach for America as a Campus Recruiter.
What are some of your goals after college?
My short-term goal is to go to Law School and Business School after college and receive a JD/ MBA dual-degree. Then I hope to go and work for a law firm down in California. Then in ten years after that, go and work as a General Counsel for a mass media company or a tech company. My long-term goal is to become a trustee for my high school alma mater, Kamehameha Schools, and a trustee for my elementary/middle school, Island Pacific Academy, as well as a trustee for the University of Oregon (hopefully the board is reading this). My long-long-term goal is to start a foundation and give back to the Native Hawaiian people and pave a path for Native Hawaiians to succeed in all areas of life.
Who ís your biggest role model/influencer?
I cannot choose one, so my biggest role models would have to be five people: God, my parents, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, and my middle school math teacher, Michael David. God has given me faith to believe in myself that my dreams are possible. My parents have given me the motivation to make those dreams a possibility. Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop opened up doors to make my dreams possible. And Michael David made my dreams go from a possibility to a reality. Without these five people, I would not be in the position I am in today and I thank them everyday for all that they have done for me.
What is one fun fact about you?
I am a direct descendant of the House of Kamehameha, which was one of only two Royal Families that existed when Hawaii was a Monarchy in the 19th century, which means that if Hawaii was still a Monarchy today, then I would most likely be Prince today.